I’m the Boss! – IOTW Report

I’m the Boss!

7 Comments on I’m the Boss!

  1. BFH is “Q”. Get your attention? That’s kind of funny, and I would give it a 1-10% chance at best of being real. In Q post 3040, which was today there is a picture of 11 perps behind bars. Hillary, Comey, Huma, etc. In Q post 3042, also today, Q posted a video, the same video, 12 times. Naturally the Q Anons have been trying to figure out what the hell does that mean? There are several theories, one being that out of the 11 pictured behind bars, the most prominent one not there is John Brennan. So posting the video 12 times may indicate the 12th person may be among the early unsealed indictments. Both Q posts are linked. The video is one of Trumps most impressive speech’s, runs 5 minutes. Seems to me, BFH did an image that added John Brennan to the picture when nobody else was paying much attention. Maybe my memory is wrong, but somebody here did, I think. Anyway whoever did it might be Q. Just kidding of course, but the video is good.



  2. Stole my idea. I was thinking of doing a ventriloquist act using an AOC dummy. I would wear a burka with full face veil to cover up my lip movement (part of the joke). Maybe even keep my male voice to enhance the sarcasm.
    I could be Mickey Moussaoui and his dummy.


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