Inc. Magazine Article on Life in Rural America Reads Like a Parody – IOTW Report

Inc. Magazine Article on Life in Rural America Reads Like a Parody


The tech publication Inc. decided to go trolling with a piece titled “7 Reasons to Avoid Going Rural to Work From Home.”

The sub-headline reads, “Living in the hinterlands costs less than in the city, but there are some downsides to consider.”

My first response was, Oh, please, please write more stuff like this. We don’t want you here. Stay away. It’s awful. Except, you know, it’s not awful. Rural America is awesome. Last year I proved MAGA Country is the Utopia leftists claim to want. More

114 Comments on Inc. Magazine Article on Life in Rural America Reads Like a Parody

  1. Please feel free to run a bus through rural America, and pick up your human detritus you sent here, to return to your urban distopias.

    While you’re at it, pick up your dementiacrat on Pennsylvania avenue.


  2. Modern American Culture, Chapter One

    America has several, distinctly different cultures:

    (1) 𝐒𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐬 – generally live in cities over 100,000 in population. They are ruled by 𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐬 (including the media) who keep them hypnotized and under control with police, SWAT teams and the National Guard. Mesmerians disapprove of the both the 1st and 2nd Amendments.

    (2) 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐬 – (aka 𝐅𝐥𝐲𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐬) who generally live in rural and suburban areas. Productarians build everything the Slothians and Mesmerians take for granted and resent the threat of Mesmerians to use guns on them if they get out of line. At the present time, the ranks of Productarians who would love to blow away the Slothians and Mesmerians is growing at an unprecedented rate.

    Stay tuned (and on the edge of your seat) for Chapter Two!

  3. I just moved to the country to get AWAY from you assholes and the wreckage your politics makes out of perfectly good cities. I moved to Mayberry and 25 years of Democrat politics later, left New Jack Pottersville because I got tired of the robberies, the murders, the drug deals, and the shot-up cars, and that was just on three sides of my single family house.

    I haven’t had a side-view mirror busted out since I moved, no one busting cheap wine bottles on my sidewalk now (no sidewalk, also no bar behind it full of BLM grafitti like the old place), no Black racist funeral home selling crack in the alley out of their livery garage, and when I hear gunfire it’s directed at coyotes and deer from rifles, not from 9mms held sideways to ensure the rival drug gangs hit everything but each other.

    I moved to the country from what was supposed to be my retirement home, a home filled with blood and sweat and effort and memories and love and loss that had a big piece of my heart in it because Democrats made the world around it untenable, at least for taxpaying, law-abiding White people.

    You just keep telling lies about our Chinese restaurants, our MAGA hats, and every other bullshit stereotype you want to give us. That’s fine.

    We don’t want you here anyway. You shit in your nest, go live in it, leave ours alone.

    You’ve wrecked enough.

  4. “You just keep telling lies about our Chinese restaurants, our MAGA hats, and every other bullshit stereotype you want to give us. That’s fine.

    We don’t want you here anyway. You shit in your nest, go live in it, leave ours alone.”

    Well said, SNS. Nothing better than rural living. Wouldn’t trade it for anything.

  5. Life is funny. I grew up in rural America. Population 400 (spread out over thousands and thousands of acres). Nearest neighbor over a mile down the road. We could see the bigger aircraft flying overhead, but never heard them. I was blessed to know how special it all was even as a young child.

    But small towns are hard on ambitious kids. Unless you love the family’s business and plan to take it over someday, there are too few employment options. And unless you belong to a church that you love, there are too many opportunities for idle hands (and minds). In the vicinity of my home town there were exactly three employers where one might make a “career” and one day have a pension: Wyerhaeuser, the brewery, or state government.

    I’ve concluded that cities are for young people and families with children still at home who take full advantage of all the fun and educational stuff cities have to offer. But now that we’re closing in on retirement age, everything we loved about living in the big city are things we’ve already done (a lot!) and we just don’t have the patience anymore for everything it takes to live in one: figuring out the least congested route, where to park when you get there, spending $50.00 for 2 movie tickets, popcorn and 2 sodas, real estate taxes that are way more than what you paid in monthly mortgage payments, and — most of all — watching the wretched decline of everything that was pretty and nice being ravaged by parasites and nincompoops.

    Young people don’t have the sweet memories of this city that we older folks have. They will probably never know how safe and orderly things were, or that there used to be very confined “bad” parts of town you could avoid altogether and the rest you could walk around in at two in the morning without looking over your shoulder.

    Small towns are wonderful, but they’ve got their problems, too. Some of the highest per capita drug crimes (including chronic theft) are in parts of rural America. Many small American towns have too few employers except for big government’s rehabs, prisons, and social services offices.

  6. Yep Burr, We have a chinese restaurant about 40 miles away and they’ve built a railway to get there. They build all the railroads around here, even the one to keep your circus monkeys entertained. Right next to the orphan train in Concordia Kansas. They ran out of orphans so they use orangutans all named Clyde.

  7. “There’s an eighth reason. We kill faggots with man buns on sight”……
    When and what numbers Brad?. I’m thinking your just stinking up another thread with your bloviating bullshit. Burr is here assume your position for the ice cream cone reception committee

  8. Burral
    MARCH 3, 2022 AT 9:05 PM
    “…… guys have Chinese restaurants?

    And Chinese people?”

    …you’d be surprised.

    I’m about 30 minutes over dinky, terrifying, 1.5 lane unlanemarked 55 MPH back roads with super deep bar ditches on both sides from Thai, Japanese Hibachi, Formosan, Vietnamese, Cambodian…and that’s before you get into the rest of SE Asia with tons of Indian and mainland Chinese.

    Haven’t found a Phillipine place yet, but the thousands of Latin American places more than fill the gap.

    We have Black people too, but not the kind that burn cities down, rather the kind that build countries up, but that’s a different story for another day…

  9. Uh oh. Does Badger have a man bun?

    Cut it out! Brad may sometimes bloviate, but I know for a fact that it’s not B.S.

    And as for “stinking up another thread” — well, that’s not very nice. Don’t be coming around here and saying things like that; especially to Brad, who has a chest full of successful campaign ribbons here at

    I think I can speak for the majority here who love Brad. So, who are you to say nasty things like that?

  10. SNS….the fug do you live?

    I’m so rural the only damn Chinaman around here is in the cemetary. 103 years old. Born in Chiner’, came over for railroad work…spent the next 65 years as a dishwasher.

    My valley is called Chino Valley. In Spanish, that’s Chinese or Chinaman Valley. There’s none left. Apparently we ate them all or something.

    Livin’ rural means you teach yourself to cook.

  11. To AA.. “Brad, who has a chest full of successful campaign ribbons here at”…Campaign ribbons for what. Insulting people, threatening people, spelling errors, general malfeasance and bullshit.

    I don’t know. I don’t get it….Is he dying?….Seems like a lot of back patting for a guy that describes himself as an asshole, lives up to that moniker and brags about being an asshole. I have no disagreement with Brad’s self evaluation

  12. We’re still where we were weeks ago. Brad wrote something(s) you don’t like.

    As punishment, you’ve decided to crap all over the entire site because….feelings.

    Here, let me appease you so you can move on. BRAD YOU SUCK. Happy? Have I fulfilled all your requirements necessary before I post what I want?

    The other option is for you to keep repeating yourself over and over in every thread.

  13. Wouldn’t move to the city for anything. Lived in the sticks for nigh on 40 years. No bloviating but we don’t want man buns or gays or blm bullshit out here and I think I speak for everyone else out our way.

  14. I remember back when a single murder in the Green Bay region only happened maybe every other year. Now, just a week ago some druggy chick dismembered a guy and she had sex with his corpse for three hours more after he was dead. Afterwards she left his head in a bucket that his mother found.
    That ain’t country.

  15. Oh, so this is about a grudge against Brad?
    I heard there was some sort of flapdoodle going on, but couldn’t believe someone could be such a cry baby to go on and on and on like that.

    I remember my first insult from Brad. It made me so mad! Then I sparred with him for a while. Then we were besties. The End. But I didn’t cry about it.

  16. The only downside to country living is it’s an all day affair to go to the grocery store or the hardware store or the movies or just about anything.

    On another note I now just feel sorry for that little pencil necked wheelchair bound 98 pound weakling who has to threaten anyone and everyone at the drop of a hat. “I’ll kill you” “I shoot m-fers”.

    Go get your bottle, it’s bed time for you.

    Rent Free

  17. Yikes
    Badger Hodges deliverer of the waffle cone,
    Cut that fucking thing off before you get here or someone will do it for you. But show up to my gym and I’ll try and make a man out of you. It’ll be a tall task but I like challenges.

  18. Burr, coonskin cap
    MARCH 3, 2022 AT 9:55 PM

    There’s this area where there used to be a shopping mall where all the richer people that wanted to escape from the urban ruin they caused that all the foreign restaurants coalesced around. The mall, like most such places, is mostly dead now but the restaurants and their foreign staffs remained. In the years I washed dishes for Formosans I got a good look at how such places are immigration conduits, so I imagine they serve the same purpose there.

    They tend to stay in that fairly narrow area, along with the transplanted liberals that want to pretend they are country living but won’t stray 5 minutes from good highway access, so for the moment the hills and twisty roads keep me safe, as do the 5 MPH tractors that they don’t like to get their BMWz and Teslas muddy around that also wouldn’t make it over the partially flooded roads, plus we don’t have any charging stations and the telephone poles all lean alarmingly, which seems to scare the plug-in crowd off.

    So plenty of Chinese. But never served bread at any of them.

    And I learned some cooking FROM Formosans, but it’s the REAL stuff, not the Moo Shu Ameri Can, and some of it’s pretty scary, so with that and being lazy, I do indulge in fold-up take-out occasionally, but always retreat with my Szechuan swag down roads no Mercedes driving mook would dare follow…

  19. Burr…Sorry for the intrusion. Brad must be dying and the cheer vultures are already circling the wagons. I’m headed to Truth or Consequences New Mexico for Posole, lotto tickets and watch some horses in Albequrque

  20. Francis the repetitive mule

    Yea, I’m dead. Come to my funeral. I’ll squeeze your little man bun wear faggot ass head until it pops like a zit. Remember, there’s no replacement for displacement fuck tard. It’s all about HP.

  21. Thanks Brad. I make many jokes but people for reason aren’t sure if they’re allowed to laugh.

    Anyway…..Posole in New Mexico. It’s possible. Just don’t settle for that red ish’. That’s just enchilada sauce from a can.

    Enjoy the hosses.

    And yes. Brad ALMOST died. So I cut him all the slack he needs.

  22. “The only downside to country living is it’s an all day affair to go to the grocery store or the hardware store or the movies or just about anything.”

    Yep, hate that part. No such thing as “running up to Rural King” when you want to. I just plan it for the next day.

  23. AA. ain’t nobody crying about it but Brad….um, now Burr, Surprising?!!!….Brad must be dying. That’s the only reason for the gathering of his compadres, all 20 of you…Kiss off Brad and as you slide down the bannister of life, may the splinters all face the incorrect direction

  24. Just has to threaten violence every time.
    Like a ten year old child.
    What a sorry excuse for a human being.
    Can’t go ten minutes without threatening to hurt someone.
    What a piece of shit.
    What a waste of skin and air.

    Rent Free

  25. I Am The Evil White Man

    Hey asshole. There’s someone on this thread that’s actually met me face to face and can attest I am indeed a weak pis ant 98 pounds. You should look me up. Bring some of your peeps with cell phones so they can record your death. Really getting tired of your bur under my saddle pussy. Bring it or shut the fuck up.

  26. I Am The Evil White Man

    Are you a man? I think not. I think you’re a little bitch. This is a great opportunity to bump IOTW Reports up to the next level. Actually quite impressed we have as many Bots showing up as we do. So here’s the deal Mr. All Bull Shit and no action. Takes money to run this place. I’ve often thought HAT could make pretty good money with a fight club. I’m up. I’m assuming you want to support this place, and obviously the odds are in your favor, so let’s do this. I’m not hardly kidding Mr. Rent Free. Let’s do this or shut your fucking cowardly mouth up. Time, location, date. Or fuck off.
    Fucking tired of cowards.

  27. “Hey asshole. There’s someone on this thread that’s actually met me face to face and can attest I am indeed a weak pis ant 98 pounds. You should look me up. Bring some of your peeps with cell phones so they can record your death. Really getting tired of your bur under my saddle pussy. Bring it or shut the fuck up.”…Brad

    Ain’t he a peach? ain’t he the bees knees? ain’t he the one you want to have dinner and drinks with?…..Is this the human being you strive to be? The human being you show to your children to emulate?…Npoe, you know him, you own him, and you cheer him on. He appears to be dying though.

    Any odds yet Burr? I thinkinging inside this year, maybe by Thanksgiving?

  28. So that right there is him pussing out, So fucking tired of fake people. Ok, where’s Willy, same deal. Fuuuuuck. They’re all little sniper pussies. God Dammit, after all the cowardly attacks I deserve to meet these weak sisters in person. No takers. I hope the IOTW community sees these losers finally for what they are. Fuckind weak sister key board commandos. By the way, I’ll always show up. Not hardly kidding.

  29. So much projection. Cowards threaten people on the internet.
    Cowards yell and scream, “You’re a coward”.

    You and Ray Epps would be good buddies, both informants for the FBI.

    Rent Free

  30. I’m always surprised with all the offended, man bun wearing, thin skinned wussy boys, that take such offense to someone voicing a thought about the satisfaction in kicking some no accounts ass! Some assholes really need their ass kicked. It might make more of a man out of them. There’s a lot to be said about hard times make strong men, easy times make weak men. I’m thinking we’re making a lot of weak men lately.

  31. I Am The Evil White Man

    Still not naming a time or location you smelly cunt. Do it. I’ll be there. And I;ll rip your head off and piss down your throat. Let’s do this tough guy. Or your all talk. Let’s get it on. I’m waiting on you pussy.

  32. I Am The Evil White Man
    You stroke yourself a lot. What? Can’t find a woman you pussy son of a bitch. I’ve made my self available. I’m no liar. Let’s get it on. We should give it a couple days for the bets. All proceeds go to IOTW. It’s a good cause. Come on tuff guy, you got nothing to worry about. Date, location. I’m there, your dead.

  33. I’ve always been a rural American and the only thing I’ve never liked about it is city people, usually what I call hippies who decide they want to “homestead” and the POS developers who buy up farm land to build them their homes on their little 2.5 to 5 acre tracts that they think they can grow a garden, have chickens, goats, sheep, a cow and a horse on. Then they have the nerve to tell us we’re cruel to animals.

    That shit has been bad the last 10 years or so, and it invented goat yoga, chicken diapers and chicken tractors.

    As for opportunity in most states, an hour or two drive will get anyone who wants it city life and all that gives someone. My children all have an education, make a good living and only one left rural America and he’s also the unhappiest of them all. However even he though will know the most important thing that more than likely soon will be needed to know and that is how to provide his own food, and defend his life. Not many city raised will have a clue how to do that.

  34. Brad: you can’t schedule anything like that. You have to comment on everything you read on IOTW.COM…..and then you have to squeeze in those airframe parts for the Ukrainians. Fuck! your a busy man for someone who’s dying… any odds yet Burr? I’m still thinking Thanksgiving-ish just based on when my relatives died of cancer. It seemed to be a fall season kind of thing….ya know leafs are brown, insects are dead, Halloween is over and you kill a turkey….What are the odds for the day after Black Friday….seems appropriate

  35. For what it’s worth, I grew up in a redneck small town, spent most of my career in the big city, and moved back to a redneck small town. I’ve never seen the stuff the Inc. writer was describing in rural America – and yes, we have Chinese folks who run a Chinese restaurant and don’t serve breadsticks.

    If I want, I can get to a medium sized city in about an hour, and a major metropolitan area in about an hour and one-half. In SoCal, in an hour and one-half you can go about 30 miles. I prefer the rural area.

  36. I’m thinking that if I post as “I AM NOT THE EVIL WHITE MAN” Brad and BENITO might somehow show up at the same bar on disco night with matching shirts. Nothing homosexual inferred….not that there’s anything wrong with that.

  37. @Brad: “I hope the IOTW community sees these losers finally for what they are.”

    They are like itching powder (finely ground glass) sprinkled in our underwear drawers. And that’s on a good day.

    I find it noteworthy that Brad only seems to get under the skin (figuratively speaking) of one mouth-breathing psychopath at a time. You don’t suppose it is the same one with a life so pathetically devoid of meaning that this is the only way he/it can think of to spend his/its time and energy?

    What a fucking loser.

  38. Ah Chuckie, CB4 and Tropic Thunder. Perfect weekend.

    Also…..Wok Hay is sleeping. Had a run in with a cat.

    Also, now I see you’re draggin’ Benito into this. At some point you’re just gonna’ have to realize that we’re all terrible, terrible disappointments as people for treating Brad as Jesus would.

    Whatever you post as, just don’t lose track of who you are.

  39. Really Al, I always liked you and your poignant posts.
    You always come across as an intelligent man.
    Much respect lost.
    It’s the sub 90 IQ keyboard tough guys that get me going.

    Rent Free

  40. “It’s the sub 90 IQ keyboard tough guys that get me going. ”

    Wait, you’ve been telling everyone you’re a tough guy. Now you’re wearing a man bun you fucking pussy. How hypocritical can you get. I’m a real simple man. Time, Place, you fucking big mouthed pussy.

  41. No,shit for brains, you’ve been telling everyone you’re the tough guy. You just can’t see how toxic you are. Blinded by uncontrollable rage. I’ve heard that is a symptom of early onset dementia. How’s that systolic?

    Rent Free

  42. “Whatever you post as, just don’t lose track of who you are.” …Burr, Fur, whomever you might be

    YEP, the most wise statement of the day/week/month/year…..I guess what I really need to know is when the odds of Brad’s death are gonna come out. I’m thinking next January will be north of phoenix at a friends new house and I could use the gas money to get there…..if the odds get much better I’ll wait out the winter and spend early summer in Ketchikan….I got dogs so I need to do car trips…..When are the odds about Brads death gonna come out?

  43. “Sub 90 IQ in action ladies and gentlemen.”

    You’re fucking busted here pussy. I gave you the chance to face me. You’re a coward. Every one here sees it. Big talk, no action. You’re a Liberal trying to stir up shit here. Fuck off Libtard.

  44. Burr, now I want posole March 3, 2022 at 10:51 pm,

    You have made me laugh many times. It’s allowed. But my sister’s cat, Pistol, thinks I’m crazy. He doesn’t know what’s so funny. I try to explain it to him and he just blinks at me.

    Maybe you could write up something on how to explain your sense of humor to a cat.

    No, maybe not. I think he only has a couple of brain cells. He wouldn’t get it.

  45. Ketchican salmon canner

    Just sayen, it’s not looking good. Horrible. Gut wrenching. I can assure you he’s painfully suffering. Thanks for caring you dumb cunt. LOL

  46. I’m about 3 feet to the right of Genghis Khan when it comes to being conservative.

    You seem to have only one speed, you’re stuck on stupid.

    Rent Free

  47. Another bot, Ketchikan is spelled as I just wrote it. What’s with these weak ass, man bun wearing, children? Like it has been said, hard times make strong men, easy times make weak men.

  48. “OMG, ur killing me. OK I’ll Try it.
    “I Am The Evil White Man”. I’m sorry you fucking pussy.”….Brad

    (((((BIFF)))) ((((BANG))) ((POW))) (((WOWZA)))))….Burr majestically plants another ice cream cone squarely on the mongoloids head and walks away whistling…..When is Brad’s death watch gonna start? Prince William wants a couple benji’s on a few dates….he also knows about dead moms

  49. I Am The Evil White Man

    You’ve insulted me five way from Sunday. You’ve impugned my masculinity. You claim you’re a tougher man than I. I demand satisfaction. Let’s meet. Or now an I just some unreasonable savage. You shouldn’t run your fucking stupid mouth unless you can back it up. And you’ve certainly proved here tonight you have no intentions of manning up. And That’s why, YOU’RE A CLASSIC FUCKING LIBERAL. Nobody more conservative than me and I sure as hell don’t need mealy mouthed cowards on my side. go fucking join Huff Po bitch. Where you belong.

  50. ” I Am The Evil White Man”

    Judging by what you’ve written in the past I’m assuming dad wasn’t around to raise you. So Mom and you’re sisters did the best they could.

  51. Keep stroking yourself. No, I got your dumb ass figured now. I’m assuming you still don’t want a face to face. LOL. Yea, I already know the answer coward.

    Rent Free. But I’m about to evict the coward.

  52. You obviously don’t pay attention very well. The only statement I’ve made about family is that both my sister and mother are whores.

    Rent Free

  53. Joe6pak…Just shut up for a minute. I spelled Ketchican like a true Athebasken…..Just curious. when are the death odds coming out for Brad. I’m leaning for late fall. Any ideas?….Also, Brad seems to think that you’re a little past your prime. What’s your odds for the next year?…Burr’s opening up a proper English betting house in some god for saken canyon in northern Arizona….I think he’s mostly planning on financing it off of Brad’s death and some drunken indian that will make it tax free….Sorry, Burr is gonna make Brad a registered squaw of the Squata lotame tribe. His death will be mostly inconsequential.

  54. ” Horse better extrodinaiire ”

    Fill your hand you son of a bitch. LOL, where the fuck do these losers come from? It’s like a den of malnourished rats.

    Hey, Horse better extrodinaiire, come meet a dead man. You’ll dig it. I’ll squeeze yo head till it pops like the zit it is Muth Fucka.

    LOL. Pussies all. Why does nobody want a face to face with me. Look, I bathe. I dunno. Maybe that’s not the problem. But I am extremely lonely.

  55. “Burr, voice like a cannon”

    Ya wanna hear a good one. I am of that age that grew up watching guys like that fat man. Original scripts, good writing, much much better than today’s shit. So after they fried my ass with the evil treatment, got no salivary glands. The damn evil Doc. But then on the other hand, contra ire to pussy opinion from queer ville, I still have a pulse. Where was I? Oh yea, I wake up about every hour during the night. The good shit comes on TV about 2 AM. Manix, Barnaby Jones, and yes the Fat Man. After that, It’s westerns. Early episodes of Maverick were some good shit. Forgot Peter Gunn. So So script. Bad ass musac.

  56. “One speed, turbo stupid.
    You still having gay thoughts?”

    Duck, dodge, evade the immediate threat at hand. Me. Fucking pussy.

    Really mother fucker, come kick my ass. You do know that I’ve provided an opportunity for everyone on this blog to recognize your ass the coward you are, right?

  57. ((((cablonk))) (((wirrerer))) ((((sluhueew))) (((SNORK)))(((CAFLUHEE)))…

    Burr delivers the last ice cream cone of the evening as the mongoloid has already ventured into the Drambuie/Norco fed delusion that he’s accustomed too. Thus sweet morpheus is called in to parley the decision about betting on Brad’s impending death. will it be sleep or will it be death?…..C’man Ceaser Burr, thumbs up or thumbs down?….I need some betting odds

  58. I live in the Mountains,not to far from Skyline drive. We have a little land not a lot. The only problem I see is the city people moving up here in droves,and trying to turn it into the feds pool they moved from. Good luck city people so far my little town don’t play that!

  59. Pikers, all of you.
    I live 40 miles from the nearest stoplight.
    I can be hunting deer within three minutes of leaving the house.
    It’s been a good run up here in North Maine, but we have been discovered.
    Massholes and assholes from the rest of New England, South Maine, and New Yawk are moving here in droves, destroying everything they touch.
    I’m 68 and looking for somewhere to go.

  60. Although I find these keyboard cage-matches both tedious and boring, solving nothing except maybe satisfying a perverse desire to poke a thumb in the eye of a stranger, and wish the participants could self elevate their own comportment, Brad is right about one thing. Before the advent of keyboards, a personal insult had to be delivered face to face, and with that delivery came a certain risk that the insult just might not be well received and would result in an instantaneous loss of blood. A certain risk/reward assessment was necessary, is me calling Fred a girlie-man worth an ambulance ride to the Emergency Room, resulting in more civil discord and courteous behavior.

    How I long for the good old days.


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