Iran: We Will Always Provide Arms To The Resistance Against The U.S. And Israel – IOTW Report

Iran: We Will Always Provide Arms To The Resistance Against The U.S. And Israel

In a recent TV interview, Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan said: “I officially declare that under no circumstances will we refrain from providing material and moral support to Hizbullah, or to any group of the resistance to the U.S. and Israel.”

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Dehghan further said that Iran would continue to consider the U.S. to be the “Great Satan” even after the nuclear deal. The interview, held in Farsi, with Arabic voice-over, aired on Mayadeen TV on September 1, 2015.  

The rest at MEMRI

4 Comments on Iran: We Will Always Provide Arms To The Resistance Against The U.S. And Israel

  1. Obama’s next funding effort: Pay to have the iranian revolutionary Guard immigrate with the muslim syrians, egyptians, ISIS, africans and murdering mexican gang bangers.

    Oh wait, he’s already has.

  2. Four million “refugees” running from thirty thousand ISIS savages? I’m guessing that we’re gonna be importing them pretty damned soon. The “usual suspects” are already braying about how many should be allowed to infiltrate.

    Funny how all this shit (Iranian nuke deal, “refugees”) happens just as our armed forces are being emasculated and the economy is swirling the bowl.

    Curiouser and curiouser.

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