IRS Team Investigating Hunter Biden Removed on DOJ Orders – IOTW Report

IRS Team Investigating Hunter Biden Removed on DOJ Orders

Washington Examiner

The IRS has removed the entire investigative team in the ongoing Hunter Biden tax evasion investigation.

“Today the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Criminal Supervisory Special Agent we represent was informed that he and his entire investigative team are being removed from the ongoing and sensitive investigation of the high-profile, controversial subject about which our client sought to make whistleblower disclosures to Congress,” attorneys Tristan Leavitt and Mark Lytle of Empower Oversight and Nixon Peabody LLP, respectively, wrote in a letter to Congress obtained by the Washington Examiner. More

20 Comments on IRS Team Investigating Hunter Biden Removed on DOJ Orders

  1. Charge anyone even aware of this and not coming forward, much less participating, with being an accessory after the fact and prosecute them to the maximum extent the law allows.

  2. Funny how this happened the same day the Durham report was released. Almost like they waited until they had a good distraction before letting Hunter off the hook.

  3. They are not the least bit concerned how they are fixing the Biden* family criminality. That alone is the reason enough to disband the FBI and clean house at the DOJ.

  4. Not long ago this action would have been laid at the feet of the President and called obstruction of Justice. Congressional leaders would have rushed to the media and publicly demanded the President’s resignation. The clamor would be loud, continuous, and increasing.

  5. “Stop paying taxes. It’s that simple.”

    That’s what Al Capone thought and things didn’t work out so well for him.

    If all MAGA voters stopped paying taxes, it might overwhelm the IRS with its 87,000 new goons and have some effect but that’s not going to happen. MAGA have houses and property and businesses to lose.

    If 81 million xiden voters quit paying taxes, they’d probably have to close the Bureau of Ocean Energy Managment. Let’s break that down. Fifteen million pay no taxes because they’re dead or nonexistent. Another 20 million are on welfare and already pay no taxes but probably 75% of them voted twice or more. Twenty-five million work Starbucks or McDonald’s type jobs and pay minimal taxes. Five million are legitimate but politically brain dead businessmen. And then we come to the one million elite who pay less taxes than their secretary like Warren Buffet or park their yacht in the neighboring state to avoid taxes altogether like a certain horseface.

    I seldom put a meal on a credit card but even if I do, I always tip w/cash. Whenever I deal with a small independently owned business, I pay cash. Most of the time it’s good for at least a little discount and sometimes a substantial one. How they enter it in the books is not my concern.


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