Jeb! Says he will never give up! – IOTW Report

Jeb! Says he will never give up!

jeb bush pork iowa fair

Jeb Bush: ‘No Way’ I’ll Drop Out Before Iowa…I’m ‘Totally Convinced’ We Can Win This   —TheRightPundit 

24 Comments on Jeb! Says he will never give up!

  1. JEB!

    Come and listen to a story about a man named Jeb
    A big gov-a-neer, who’s politically kept his family fed,
    Then one day Rove started rootin’ for this dude,
    And up via Florida come-a RINO crude.

    Jeb that is, ‘stablishment gold, Amnesty tea.

    Well the first thing you know ol’ Jeb’s wedged-up-our rear,
    Spinfolk said, “Jeb, we’ll gitcha there”
    Said, “Washington DC is the place you ought to be”
    So they funded up the PACs and started looking at DC.

    Swamps, that is. Big G’ment tools, movie stars.

    Well now its time to say good-bye to Jeb and all his kin.
    And we would like to spank the folks fer tryin’ to toss him in.
    You’re not invited back next ‘lection to the presidency
    To have a heapin’ helpin’ of our country’s destiny.

    Tea-party that is. Razin’ hell, with our boots on.

    Don’t come back now, y’hear?

  2. We’ll see “what flavor” the Iowa 2016 GOP caucus voters are in the primary.
    establishment progressive, liberal or Conservative.

    Will bush’s money be available to buy off caucus members to gain the media headlines and push he’s longing for??

  3. Karl said I’ll win. The fix is in. Momma said I’m a good boy. A good, conservative boy. An Momma don’t lie.

    Dad was Preznit, Georgie was Preznit, an now it’s my turn!

    Now I gotta go put on my wig and pant suit cuz I got a Hillary! thing to go to …

  4. Ya sure it’s not pork on a bone? Iowa’s best pork dish is a cutlet pounded out to about 10 inches wide, breaded, deep fried and served on a freshly baked bun.
    Sure wish I were well enough to get back up there again. Family’s from Lucas, Warren, Marion and Knox counties since 1856.

  5. ……how could he not have gotten the memo that it’s now, in fact, Hitlery ‘ s turn?

    BTW, “Rose’s Turn,” from the musical “Gypsy,” is one of the great Broadway diva songs of all time. I can certainly hear Hillary singing it:

    Why did I do it?
    What did it get me?
    Broken vows and bimbo eruptions.
    I had a dream.
    I dreamed it for you, Chelsea.
    And if it wasn’t for me
    Then what would Dad be?
    A redneck J.D.!
    Starting now
    It’s gonna be my turn.
    Don’t I get a dream for myself?
    Etc., etc.

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