Jenna Ellis Takes Guilty Plea in Georgia – IOTW Report

Jenna Ellis Takes Guilty Plea in Georgia

Just the News

Jenna Ellis, a former attorney for Donald Trump, pleaded guilty on Tuesday as part of a deal with Georgia prosecutors involving alleged efforts to challenge the 2020 election results in favor of then-President Trump.

Ellis read a tearful apology in court as she pleaded guilty to one count of “aiding and abetting false statements/writings.”

The judge sentenced Ellis to five years probation and 100 hours of community service, and he ordered her to pay $5,000 in restitution and testify truthfully in the case if she is called to do so. More

33 Comments on Jenna Ellis Takes Guilty Plea in Georgia

  1. Very disappointed, I thought she was a patriot. But outright lying dems not only don’t get punished they get promoted. We’ve completely lost our country to the marxist.

  2. I’ve gotta be honest, I don’t understand this! It does not comport with what I KNOW happened in GA.
    I admit I don’t follow many of this anti-Trump lawfare so I don’t know exactly what they think they got her on.

  3. I can’t blame her.
    Look at how many PATRIOTS are stuck in prison from January 6.
    She got a deal to keep her out of prison, keep her from being railroaded.
    Not a person here would do prison time for President Trump.
    He wouldn’t have your back.
    Loyalty is a one-way street with that man.
    I’ll still vote for him but this country is doomed either way so I wouldn’t do time for ANY man.

  4. I had an attorney friend I’ve mine explain these guilty pleas this way this morning, It’s like they were plead guilty to jay walking while on the way to a crime that never happened. It’s good for soundbite but in the long run the prosecution is getting their ass kicked.
    It sure has all the Trump haters all fired up. Just read some of the stuff here.

  5. She probably ran out of money to defend herself. The feds love to do that to innocent people.
    I am disappointed she’s lying to save her own skin.
    Her Truth profile says, “servant of Christ”. Lying, no matter the reason is not Christ like.

  6. I’m not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV, but how can she plead guilty to “aiding and abetting false statements/writings” when at the time she thought they were both truthful and factual?

    In her statement she said that she relied on other lawyers, some with much more experience, to provide information to her which she relayed to the media in the commission of her job as counsel to Trump. She only later found out that this information was not reliable or truthful. Her crime was only in that she did not fact-check this information. So there was no intent to mislead or deceive. There has to be more to the story.

    Oh, and the tears were a nice touch, never pass up the chance to use the “woman” card.

  7. We all know that they sent ballot watchers home on false pretenses!
    We all know that they taped cardboard on the voting hall windows!
    We all know they sent in trucks to dump thousands of ballots off to be counted!
    We all know that somehow democRATz found all the votes they needed at 4AM!
    Buuuuuuuuuttt somehow there was no voter fraud???
    C’mon man! I wuz born at night, but not last night!
    This is the lawfare process of going after Trump by destroying everyone around him!

  8. I don’t hate Trump.
    I call a spade a spade.
    Only a fool would fail to see who controls the levels of power.
    Judges & juries are stacked against conservatives.
    People will do anything to avoid prison time and to cast aspersions for doing so is disingenuous.

  9. It indeed is lawfair against Trump.
    There was election fraud in Georgia for certain.
    That said, I don’t blame anyone for trying to stay away from the collateral damage from the leftist constant attack on Trump.

    Look at how many people around him have had their homes raided by federal stormtroopers.
    How many went broke from defending themselves.

  10. “He wouldn’t have your back.
    Loyalty is a one-way street with that man.”

    Trump is hoping (praying) that Rudi does not concur. Giuliani is The Holy Grail, the brass ring, the Gold Medal, he is Willis’s main target, and the circle is tightening. What Rudi was to Trump, his Consigliere, his right-hand man, and most valuable confidant, Ellis was to Giuliani. So if bodies were buried, she would probably know where.

  11. Rich, there seems to be a small circle of folks that will stick with Trump no matter what.
    I believe Rudy is one of them.
    Even so, I really don’t know of a legit ACTUAL crime that Trump committed that someone could “flip” on?
    The documents case to me is BS, since he had “declassifying” powers.

  12. “Even so, I really don’t know of a legit ACTUAL crime that Trump committed that someone could “flip” on?”

    Neither do I, but IF crimes were committed, Guiliani would know and have all the salacious details. You said so yourself, if given the choice between doing hard time and “flipping”, well, the choice is obvious.

  13. Big Fannie is charging Trump with RICO crimes. No other criminal activity needs to be conjured up. Big Fannie needs to find collusion. She’s failed 4 times. Ellis was on Trumps team. That all bad for Big Fannie.

  14. This is more evidence that President Trump is our only peaceful solution to this horror. There is no “average joe” out there who has the fortitude, intelligence and funding to resist the attacks that the commies are willing to do.

  15. They’re going to keep pushing. You can only poke the bull just so much, so often until he charges you with little to no regard for (his) life and limb.
    The only question remaining: who will be in the vanguard?

  16. ^^^^^^
    Exactly, what she apologized to the court for was not against the law. Did some one write that for her. This is getting more bizarre all the while. There’s lots of peeps going WTF right now.

  17. Good article, Loco, Powerline has been off my radar for years even though I used to follow them regularly.

    But it sounds like the author is just as perplexed as I am as to what exactly she is pleading to. At the time the assertions made were NOT false, she believed them due to the data provided to her. No intent and no motive to deceive. Like I said above, there is something else afoot.

  18. Loco said, “not one person here would do prison time for President Trump.
    He would not have your back”
    He has been one of the most loyal Presidents to his friends and our country that this country has ever seen,he never let anyone down that asked for his help as President. He brought back many Americans with out paying one cent.
    And yes, I for one would stand with the man when the time comes and rise above or go down with the ship.
    Loco and Rich will sell us out.
    And Rich don’t ask me to respond to you I have read your comments I know where you stand.
    Loco is well, “Loco”

  19. Geoff C. The Saltine
    You have a very clear picture of what’s going on here my friend. It’s not like Trump can help J6 prisoners. He’s not in office. Stupid comments by stupid people. Be prepared to get attacked.

  20. When your pockets aren’t deep enough to fight back against a corrupt judicial system you take what they give you to stay out of jail. We need judicial reform just as much as electoral reform.

  21. I honestly don’t know how anyone can dissaggree with “Make Ammerica Great Again” espectially in light of the deliberate mayhem, chaos, destruction and debt over the past two and 3/4 years! I honestly don’t know why Jackass Joe hates America like he does, but give me someone who loves America any day of the week!!


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