Jerry Falwell Jr. Repeats an Urban Legend With Donald Trump in the Role of the Hero – IOTW Report

Jerry Falwell Jr. Repeats an Urban Legend With Donald Trump in the Role of the Hero

Jerry Falwell Jr. loves Trump, and he says he reminds him of his father. Falwell says that Trump has a caring Christian side that doesn’t make it into the news.

Falwell gives a couple of examples of his generosity, ones that he seems to have been personally involved in. But then he jumps the shark a bit when he tells an eye roller, because the story he repeats is a classic urban legend. I’ve heard the story told a number of times with different celebrities as the hero. (I particularly remember it being told to me and Reggie Jackson was in the role that Falwell has given to Trump.)

Here’s the story —>

I read that stale tale in one of the editions of  “The Choking Doberman” series, a book about urban legends.

Here’s an internet page that discusses the legend. But, to be fair, even Barbara Mikkelson, the Snopes jerk, tells a true story about Trump’s generosity, which I’m sure are plentiful. (Just drop the limo story. Logic will tell you that it is very difficult to pay off someone else’s mortgage without the owner knowing about it, even if it is Donald Trump.)


17 Comments on Jerry Falwell Jr. Repeats an Urban Legend With Donald Trump in the Role of the Hero

  1. “No good deed goes unpunished.”

    Ford Fairlane (the comic actor dude) once said he gave a hobo $1000 as an act of kindness. As I was watching him tell the story on TV, the thought crossed my mind (and having some small knowledge of addictive behavior) that the poor, degenerate hobo prolly drank hisself to death, or got beat to death being robbed of his new-found wealth.

    I wondered if Mr. Fairlane ever thought about looking into the fate of the hobo after his largess, or if the hobo simply became the point of an “I’m a good guy” story.

    Either way, it was extremely generous of Mr. Fairlane.

  2. Since we like to go for guilt by association, I have a story — a very personal story — to share.

    In the early 1990s I had a somewhat rare health condition that was very hard to diagnose and even harder to cure. I sought info and support in some of the blogs (I don’t think they were called blogs back then). To my initial amazement, Trump’s second wife was suffering the same affliction. She was completely open and honest and suffering just as badly as the rest of us about how tough everything was because of it. It was a deeply personal and devastating condition, but she was always just there to add to our pool of research, information and hold our hands as we cried together when one of our own met failure after failure in medical treatment. She and her husband, the guy who is now running for president, went through the same cruel, dismal outlook. They suffered through the same terrible issues surrounding it. We became a family in the way people who suffer a similar fate become a family. She was a trooper and so was he. She always went the extra mile to be available to “listen” and I know she was getting her emotional support from him. They were in the thick of it along with us. Their money was no insulator for the very real sorrow we all faced.

    I am purposely not sharing a lot of the details. I’m sure some of you can read between the lines. It’s not my place to share too many details — for myself, my family, Trump’s wife and him. I write this to tell you that this was a fairly long-term situation that happened a long time ago, but the nature of it spoke of a woman, married to a man whose only distinction was that they cared — deeply. And to us, they weren’t Mr. and Mrs. Donald Trump of the super-wealthy, they were vulnerable, optimistic, realistic and hopeful supporters in our small circle. Not everyone needs to wear their heart or their religion on their sleeve in order to be a child of God.

  3. thats just so bogus. I’ve had many pastors and Christians refer to that as two. I’ve done it. Its not non-Christian.

    I venture to guess if you were to spell the last book of the new testament without first looking it up, that you’d misspell it. Most people do. Try it.

  4. Trump admitted it was given to Trump by Perkins and if that’s an apology so be it. however I have no issue with Trump’s reading any bible verses anywhere anytime.

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