Jewish support for Harris lowest of any Dem candidate since Reagan era – IOTW Report

Jewish support for Harris lowest of any Dem candidate since Reagan era


Vice President Kamala Harris is slated to have the worst performance with Jewish voters of any Democratic presidential candidate since the Reagan era, according to a Manhattan Institute poll published Friday.

Harris would win just 67% of the Jewish vote if the election were held today, down from the 68% support President Joe Biden received in 2020, and a far cry from the 80% support former President Bill Clinton garnered in 1992, the survey of 658 Jewish registered voters found. The 36% margin of victory with Jewish voters would be the lowest of any Democratic candidate since Michael Dukakis in 1988. more here

6 Comments on Jewish support for Harris lowest of any Dem candidate since Reagan era

  1. Maybe 40% of my clientele is Jewish. The more they love God, the more conservative they are. The scale pegs 10 with orthodox rabbis.

    Many others hardly know a thing about the Torah and pooh pooh any reference to it in their lives. I was amazed how quickly the Jews in Exodus turned away and made a golden calf to start worshipping Baal again – while Moses was with God on Mt Sinai.

    That said, it is these kind of Jews that vote democrat. They don’t really believe or follow God. Jews In Name Only – JINOs.

    They believe they are “Chosen” and put no other thought into it. How sad.

  2. ^^^^ Historically, within the last thousand years or so, Jews have been treated better in liberal societies, societies that protect minorites with the rule of law, and allow them more of a playing field to pursue prosperity.

    Another factor, The Democratic party prides itself (wrongly in my opinion) as champions of the welfare state, minority rights, progressive taxation, and the separation of church and state, this last one secular Jews just love because they are so far removed from their religion.

    Religious Jews are aligned more with the Republicans but they are outnumbered two to one, which correlates very neatly with the percentages in the article above.


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