Johnson Pulls Both Domestic Spying Bills – IOTW Report

Johnson Pulls Both Domestic Spying Bills

Just the News

House Republican leadership pulled two bills reforming the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act from the floor, as Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., faced backlash for allowing two bills to be introduced on the surveillance law.

Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., a member of the House Rules Committee, confirmed to the Washington Examiner late Monday evening that neither of the bills reforming Section 702 would come to the floor for a vote this week. More

According to CTH, both bills are terrible, but the one that came out of the House Intel Committee was worse. Here

17 Comments on Johnson Pulls Both Domestic Spying Bills

  1. Backlash from House members??

    Definitely a tsunami of backlash on the Conservative web.’

    (I wonder if anyone is listening to THIS forum? It’s pretty representative of Conservative philosophy.)

  2. GOP, all torn up & falling apart at the seems. There is only one person to thank for this DJT!
    The year will end with nothing able to pass republicans, their life story to Americans. The GOP, we are shit, godbless us.

  3. PDJT did a fantastic job despite the Rinos and evil D communists in the House and Senate backstabbing him at every turn.

    Also lets not forget the swamp creatures in the alphabet agencies slow-rolling and betraying him.


  4. I wonder if the letter signers were also part of the Hunter Biden’s Laptop is Russian Disinformation letter cabal? If so, this proves, 1) that they are not to be trusted, & 2) that they have no shame or self-awareness.

    Ben Franklin warned against trading Freedom and Liberty for “Safety”

  5. To the trolls here, if Trump is just a fait accompli and is as bad as you say, WTF do you are you trying to accomplish here? YOU’RE WASTING YOUR TIME. Only morons do that over and over.

  6. Bills were “patriot Act” frauds. Many were fooled 20 years ago. Far less are fooled today. “Patriot Act” lie has caused America lovers much pain; some now “see the light”.

    Did not readTree House 20 years ago; so do not know if he was fooled then. But he clearly feels the pain; and is absolutely right; bills were lies!


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