Join or Die A Disappointment – IOTW Report

Join or Die A Disappointment

Craig Ferguson has a new show on the History Channel that looks at six historical situations and whittles them down to the worst or best.  Here’s the topic and individuals selected for the first episode.


They considered Dick Cheney sprayingbird shot on a lawyer a political blunder.

Too their credit they didn’t identify any individual by political party, but these were the worst blunders they could think of?



12 Comments on Join or Die A Disappointment

  1. It’s programming for LOFOs. It’s the same reason why Discovery/History channel/etc. leave you with a cliffhanger before a commercial break, then upon returning replay the last 10 minutes you already saw.

    It’s called programming for the masses and it shows how stupid the population has become.

    Remember back when Lassie aired? Lassie would go tell the sheriff that Timmy fell down the hole, then there were a few commercials. After the commercials they would show the sheriff and Lassie running toward the fcuking hole, not replay Lassie barking at the sheriff for 10 minutes!

    Even when The Dukes of Hazzard had a double episode, to be continued. Waylon would give you a 30 second rundown of what happened the prior episode and then the sequel would start. No 10 minutes, off to the other boat and then flashback to another boat before some goof falls in the water!

  2. Old Oaks, you nailed it! Seen that shit so often it ain’t funny. Thought they were just filling air time with repeats of script to avoid having to write 42 minutes of material.

    But that ain’t it.

    They KNOW the audience has the attention span of a goldfish, so they backwater all the material presented before the six minute commercial break.

    I gave up on those type of shows a good while back. Tedious, insulting.

    Besides, if I stay on that program for a whole sixty minutes (42 program, 18 commercials), I might miss out on what the Kardashians are up to RIGHT NOW!

  3. The biggest political blunder in history was Barack Hussein Obama being elected TWICE to the presidency. Why the hot hell isn’t he featured? People who work at the History Channel are dumb.

  4. I was recently stuck in a hotel room for a few days with a TV 2x the size of mine. The night before departure, well after midnight, I finally turned it on and promptly fell asleep.

  5. What happened to the those who made accusations of sexual aggression and harassment against Cain?
    As far as I can tell once Cain dropped out of the race these accusers also disappeared. The whole thing smelled to me.

  6. “It’s programming for LOFOs.”

    Which dovetails neatly with what little history is being glossed over in current warehouses known as schools.

    I used to be annoyed by the yawning chasms of information left out of various topics when I actually watched the channel when it was a fresh offering. That was before I truly appreciated what a bow on the lofo package it was./rant

    Sasquatch tracks..too funny!

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