Joni Ernst says husband was physically, verbally abusive in divorce filings – IOTW Report

Joni Ernst says husband was physically, verbally abusive in divorce filings

FOX: Sen. Joni Ernst was abused by her husband before their divorce, according to court filings.

The Republican from Iowa alleged her husband, Gail, physically assaulted her when she confronted him about an alleged affair he was having with a babysitter, Ernst said, according to the Des Moines Register. A victim’s advocate sought to take her to the hospital after the assault, Ernst reportedly said.

“We went through a very dark and troubling time in our marriage,” Ernst, 48, said in the divorce filings. “I very nearly filed for divorce after a night we argued, and it became physical.”

Ernst reportedly took her daughter to her mother’s house. She turned down advice to go a hospital because she was “embarrassed and humiliated.” Ernst and her husband sought counseling, but the pair reportedly didn’t discuss the alleged assault.

After that, according to the Des Moines Register, the couple’s relationship was never the same.

She was also allegedly verbally and mentally abused by her husband, whom she called “cruel.” She said her husband was the catalyst behind her decision to turn down the chance to be President Trump’s running mate in 2016 because he “hated any successes I had and would belittle me and get angry any time I achieved a goal.”  MORE

20 Comments on Joni Ernst says husband was physically, verbally abusive in divorce filings

  1. ““In the summer of 2016, I was interviewed by Candidate Trump to be vice president of the United States. I turned Candidate Trump down,”
    I’m calling bull shit on that one.

  2. She talked the talk but like so many “politicians” before her, she didn’t walk the walk.
    Ernst another disappointment.
    She fell right into the RINO collusion with mcCONnell.

  3. I don’t trust a word that comes out of the mouth of establishment Republican types. This bitch dry shaved the people who supported her rise in stature and election to office. Goddamned establishment Republicans simply can never be trusted. Period. Full stop.

    What she says happened might have happened, but experience with establishment Republicans has taught me to prefer more likely than not that what she is saying has at best only a passing resemblance to reality.


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