Joy Reid Caught on Hot Mic Expressing True Feelings About Biden’s Warmongering – IOTW Report

Joy Reid Caught on Hot Mic Expressing True Feelings About Biden’s Warmongering


Reid then played a clip of President Joe Biden giving a speech during a political event in Columbia, S.C. “If that bill were the law today, I’d shut down the border right now and fix it quickly,” Biden said. “Congress needs to get it done.”

During the clip, Reid’s mic turned on and she could be heard saying “starting another fucking war.” Though the context in which Reid made the comment remains unclear, those on social media were quick to assume that she was referring to Biden. More

11 Comments on Joy Reid Caught on Hot Mic Expressing True Feelings About Biden’s Warmongering

  1. In related news the DOJ is investigating the entitled marxist cunt Cori Bush who exactly like Fani paid her lover far above other subordinates fir the sane “services”. See a pattern here wuth corrupt commies?

    Color me absolutely shocked that they would grand jury a black elite Demonrat member of the squad the day after the traitorous Omar pledged her alligence to Somalia over America.

    Maybe Nazi Nan is tired of these squawking hens and Representative Fire Alarm. They are nothing but a constant embarrassing distraction to the demonic agenda and hopefully they are all excommunicated from the club of legislative Luciferians.

    Bush was a particularly odious sack of filth in MO so I will celebrate if she is booted. She will become a national martyr so I doubt she will ever return to MO thank the dear Lord…

  2. In related news the DOJ is investigating the entitled marxist cunt Cori Bush who exactly like Fani paid her lover far above other subordinates for the same “services”. See a pattern here with corrupt commies?

    Color me absolutely shocked that they would grand jury a black elite Demonrat member of the squad the day after the traitorous Omar pledged her alligence to Somalia over America.

    Maybe Nazi Nan is tired of these squawking hens and Representative Fire Alarm. They are nothing but a constant embarrassing distraction to the demonic agenda and hopefully they are all excommunicated from the club of legislative Luciferians.

    Bush was a particularly odious sack of filth in MO so I will celebrate if she is booted. She will become a national martyr so I doubt she will ever return to MO thank the dear Lord…

  3. Well “Grace” isn’t part of her name. I guess she’s showing us ignorant senior white Christian women how “sisters move”. Yeah, I’m gonna refer to that little gem that came out of her mouth…. forever. Gee, she was so quick to defend Tiffany Cross for being let go from MSNBC, and now Cross is trashing the network. I guess that’s another way sisters move.

  4. All becomes clear, the squad is being dismantled by Nazi Nan due to their overt support of the Muslim hordes and their intense antisemitism.

    Can’t loose that Jewish funding which is 20 times greater than those tight ass Muslims. Looka like all those superliberal Jews have spoken with their wallets.

    Bush is being primaried here by a strong supporter of Israel. Oh how that must burn as all blacks are disposable to the Demonrats…


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