Judge Releases Footage of Gardena Police Shooting – IOTW Report

Judge Releases Footage of Gardena Police Shooting

Cops seem to have a dislike of not putting your hands where they want them.

I don’t think the dead guy’s actions rose to the level of having to be taken out.. What do you think?

The back story is the police got a report of a stolen bike. They came across these guys. They were actually looking for the bike. The guy shot to death was the brother of the kid who reported his bike stolen. He was also drunk, which probably accounted for his inability to keep his hands up.

I don’t recall the police ever getting so ramped up about a stolen bike when I was a kid.

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31 Comments on Judge Releases Footage of Gardena Police Shooting

  1. It’s not about a stolen bike. It’s about taking your hat off and reaching inside it. Cause nobody’s ever hidden a gun in a hat before.

    When the Cops stop you, do what you’re told. I promise you we are going home after our shift.

  2. There wasn’t open season on cops when I was a kid. Kids had shotguns and BB guns, but didn’t carry unless hunting – small animals, not cops. What could have been in his hat, wasn’t. But what guarantee did the cop have? This is a hard one.

  3. If a cop is POINTING A GUN at you, do what he says. Even if the cop is wrong.

    He don’t know you, and like has been said many times before, he’s going home intact.

    If you think the cop is out to kill you for no good reason, I wish you luck. You’ll need it.

  4. That’s fucking sick. And that is murder, from what I could see. I couldn’t see any guns other than the ones the cops were using.
    They kill suspected bike thieves now? Hope the cops get ass-raped to death in prison. Unless that kid had a gun that I didn’t see.

  5. I am very pro police…just not big on street executions, if tasers are available. That being said, was the guy a known gun slinging gangbanger? If not, why this over crappy five dollar bicycle? May the good Lord have mercy for all involved.

  6. As Lieutenant Columbo might say, “Now let me see if I have this right. There’s no guidance or discipline in the home. The family situation is so unstable “Junior” doesn’t even know where or to whom to send a Father’s Day card. Junior gets dumped into the education system where he is socially promoted because the overwhelmed school district can’t deal with the undisciplined whelp. Junior’s major formative influences are ‘gangsta’ rap videos and a corresponding peer group of gangsta wannabes. At age 18, Junior is turned loose on society carrying a bad attitude, a broken compass, and little respect for authority. Junior gets himself in big trouble with the law and meets dire consequences. Then, the situation diagnosis is that the police need sensitivity training? Pardon me for asking, but do you really believe that bullshit?”

  7. Verify your fucking target is a valid threat before you exterminate a human being. Maybe the kid is deaf or retarded. Maybe you are a paranoid asshole who has no regard for the lives of the people you are supposed to serve and protect.

    Some cops don’t seem to be content with the position of public servant so they appoint themselves as public Masters. And they are willing to kill you and your dogs and your children just so that they can retain that self-appointed position.

    Meet your master. Do whatever he tells you or he will take it upon himself to kill you. Because he is a lot fucking more important than you will ever be, you worthless, troublesome, unarmed subject.

  8. Hey …….It’s California. The electorate votes in the most inane idiots into the legislature. They allow every scumbag in the state. The cops gotta deal with these people, who don’t speak English., don’t know the law, and don’t care. I side with the cops mostly, but I couldn’t be one. I’d shoot some idiot once a week……….just sayin…….Illinois, New York, mosta east coast…….these are obamaniacs….

  9. the police are doing a job I do not want to do. they go places I don’t visit and they interact with people I choose not to associate myself with (barring Thanksgiving & Christmas but then only if we can’t manage to be somewhere else those years the narcissistic family members roll into town).

    Lowell is 100% right. Do what the police say even if you know they are 100% wrong. Do that and everyone will get to see their mommy/loved ones at the end of the day.

    If you are dealing with a bad cop then calmly get their name and badge number and it will all get worked out in court all that and no split blood to boot. If someone can’t, for whatever reason, do that then just write it off as Darwinism or stop asking police to go to places where they might get hurt and stop expecting them to interact with people who might hurt them.

  10. Gung ho cops at it again! You know how they say video games lead to violence?

    Well I’m fairly certain overaggressive military training leads to GI Joe wannabe cops who are all too familiar with pulling the trigger on citizenry with a blue gun.

  11. When the Cops stop you, do what you’re told.

    No. Not if the cop is exceeding his authority. I will not be bullied, and your boastful promise to go home does not excuse FOR ONE SECOND setting up a situation like the one shown and then killing someone who was incapable of understanding semi-coherent shouted orders or obeying them to the cops’ satisfaction.

  12. If you are dealing with a bad cop then calmly get their name and badge number and it will all get worked out in court…

    No, that happens as rarely as unicorn farts. You haven’t been paying attention to the way cops game the “justice” system with the help of their cop colleagues, the DAs, and the judges.

  13. Gardenia, LA. Chances are the kids were Japanese American, probably punks. But no fucking way that cop needed to draw a gun on a bike caper. I agree with Sgt.524. I watched that video 4 times. If it was that serious those kids should have been prone, on the pavement in 10 seconds, not allowed to jabber for more than a minute.
    And then shot. But that’s just me.

    Gun in his hat?, my ass. Cut the crap out.

  14. I moved out of that shithole about that same time. Rampart station is right across the street from the Cult of Scientology building, on 6th street I think.
    The LAPD that I knew used to beat the shit out of people on a daily basis. They were thugs, not a bunch of trigger happy chickenshits like the shooter in the video.

  15. Cops won’t even look for stolen cars in MD.
    Stolen bike?
    Cops brandishing firearms?
    Over a stolen bike?
    Kill a punk over a stolen bike?
    That he didn’t steal?
    While known thieves and murderers run for, and win, political office?
    With impunity?

    We’re entering into some tumultuous times, kiddies.

  16. Mary Jane, I did for a short time right after I turned 18. I had spent the previous year in a boy’s home at 3rd and Westmoreland in L.A. and moved over by Rampart the day I turned 18. Went back to the valley after a couple months, though. L.A. sucks.

    One night a Mexican had escaped from Rampart station because the cops wouldn’t let him use the restroom and he didn’t want to ruin his macho image by peeing in his pants. lol. So he ran up to us with his hands still cuffed behind his back and begged for somebody to help him urinate. No fck’n way, I told him. But somebody there just happened to have a handcuff key handy. So the vato retained his machoness. 🙂

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