Julia Hahn: There Are NO Congressional GOP Leaders Who Support Cutting Legal Immigration – IOTW Report

Julia Hahn: There Are NO Congressional GOP Leaders Who Support Cutting Legal Immigration

Vdare: The Breitbart site has become a useful source for information on immigration. In a previous blog entry I linked to an excellent article by Breitbart’s Julia Hahn on the transformation of the state of Virginia, and the nation as a whole.

The latest Breitbart contribution by Julia Hahn is about how GOP congressional leaders have no intention of reducing immigration.

As U.S. census data projects that immigration will soon exceed all documented historical records, not one Republican leader in Congress supports the popular step of reducing immigration.

Each year the United States admits one million people with green cards, their dependents and refugees, as well as half a million foreign youths sought by college administrators. Census data projects that, if visas are not slashed or halted, another 14 million immigrant settlers will arrive in the U.S. over the next decade.  More

10 Comments on Julia Hahn: There Are NO Congressional GOP Leaders Who Support Cutting Legal Immigration

  1. Here’s the direct link to the BREITBART article

    The more I read from the vdare site, the more I’m convinced they’re of the sort who think,

    “I’m not a White Supremacist, but I write and publish articles rationalizing the objectives (while obscuring the methods to achieve those objectives) of White Nationalists.”

    As much as they may plead otherwise, they – and most of all, those who comment there and at similar sites – do NOT stop at “race is an important factor.”

  2. You just have to face the fact that we’re in a death spiral. Our traditions, that worked so well for over 150 years, have been under constant assault for the past 100 years.

    Our culture, yeah I mean the white culture of rewarding hard work, has been deemed by our OverLords to be unfair to those that want to have their lousy stinking asses carried by those that do the heavy lifting.

    I’ve done every thing short of going on a suicide mission to DC-and really what fucking good would that do? My Congressman here in w Texas, a Republican, must be so far up Boehner’s ass, that he doesn’t have the room to even FUCKING RESPOND to my email inquires.

    Every day it’s some new assault-yesterday, 1000s MORE moslims are being shipped to Idaho. IDAHO??? Are you fucking kidding? Last week, I read Virginia is gone, lost to the onslaught of illegal and legal immigrants.

    Today, I read Obama is going to ram through some kind of carbon tax scheme. I left CO because my electricity costs for my glass melting had more then doubled in less then 3 years because the EPA closed 2 coal fired-recently retrofitted to the tune of 10s of millions, oh well-plants.

    It never fucking ends with these REgressives. Conservatives get we’re in a war with enemies that are sworn to fight us until we’re irrelevant. And that day is fast approaching.

    Then what? I have a DV conviction otherwise I’d seriously consider running for this assdouche’s seat here in Texas. And woe be to the fucking “leaders” if I ever did get to DC-I would raise holy GD hell, 24/7.

  3. Wow, that was the biggest surprise and shock of my life. All the Republicans, except Jebby, have made noises like they might do something or at least think about doing something all the while dithering about not wanting to do anything! Getting harder and harder to fool all of the public all of the time!

  4. We have the most compassionate politicians of all time. They worry, dither and shed huge crocodile tears for uneducated, low skilled and needy folks from foreign countries. They are so compassionate that they are willing to sacrifice the treasure, culture, well-being, jobs, history, rule of law, safety educational, medical and political systems of their own country and people!,

  5. Just don’t point out that Texas and Florida will be blue states due to “immigrants” voting or youll get called a liberal troll. There will never be another Republican president if this continues.

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