Justice Dept. Granted Immunity to Specialist Who Deleted Hillary Clinton’s Emails – IOTW Report

Justice Dept. Granted Immunity to Specialist Who Deleted Hillary Clinton’s Emails

NYT: WASHINGTON — A computer specialist who deleted Hillary Clinton’s emails despite orders from Congress to preserve them was given immunity by the Justice Department during its investigation into her personal email account, according to a law enforcement official and others briefed on the investigation.

Republicans have called for the department to investigate the deletions, but the immunity deal with the specialist, Paul Combetta, makes it unlikely that the request will go far. Representative Jason Chaffetz of Utah, the top Republican on the House oversight committee, asked the Justice Department on Tuesday to investigate whether Mrs. Clinton, her lawyers or the specialist obstructed justice when the emails were deleted in March 2015.

Mr. Combetta is one of at least two people who were given immunity by the Justice Department as part of the investigation. The other was Bryan Pagliano, a former campaign staff member for Mrs. Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, who was granted immunity in exchange for answering questions about how he set up a server in Mrs. Clinton’s home in Chappaqua, N.Y., around the time she became secretary of state in 2009.

The F.B.I. described the deletions by Mr. Combetta in a summary of its investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s account that was released last Friday. The documents blacked out the specialist’s name, but the law enforcement official and others familiar with the case identified the employee as Mr. Combetta. They spoke on the condition of anonymity because they did not want to be identified discussing matters that were supposed to remain confidential.  MORE

14 Comments on Justice Dept. Granted Immunity to Specialist Who Deleted Hillary Clinton’s Emails

  1. I am sure a judge is going to overthrow any immunity claim, since Congress had a subpoena in place to preserve all related material which this person failed to do.

  2. Two things:
    1) This guy, Combetta, knew that federal statutes were violated by the actions of Hillary and her staff so he demanded immunity. Comey had to limit the scope of his investigation so that Combetta’s testimony was irrelevant.
    2) For a guaranteed investment strategy, take out a short term life insurance policy on Combetta.

  3. Combetta deleted the emails and bleached the server AFTER a phone conversation with Clinton lawyer Kendall and her chief of staff Cheryl Mills.

    Cheryl Mills was given attorney-client privilege in the email matters by the FBI even though she did not function as Clinton’s attorney and was paid by the tax payers in her chief of staff capacity.

    It will only be with a Trump presidency that we get the truth.

    If this were a Republican administration, imagine all the writers penning best sellers about all the twists, turns, intrigue, lies and backstabbing.

  4. John Q. Public does not want to hear any more about the email scandal. The FBI did not charge her and that’s the end of the story.

    BUT regarding all of the other scandals – constant questions, irritation, being a pebble in her shoe, stress, confrontation, seeds of doubt, accusations of lying, going with the crooked Hillary meme might push her over the edge.

  5. I thought they granted immunity so the guy could tell the truth without fear of prosecution for obstruction of justice. This guy should be singing all day the truth about what happened, who ordered the deletions. And he doesn’t have immunity for lying under oath.

  6. So we don’t want to hear about this anymore, FBI didn’t do there job and it’s the end of the story.
    Was it over when the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor, Al Capone was running Chicago and did everyone just give up?
    Of course not. We want to see the destruction of evidence followed up on and all those involved held accountable.
    I am part of the public so don’t speak for me. I’m not a quitter.

  7. The bigger picture: Obama’s DOJ has issued immunity to all political lawbreakers, especially the Clintons. But that immunity or favor includes terrorists released from GITMO and criminals allowed out of prison, and foreign criminals preying upon America. And the Obama regime has extended immunity to Iran, ISLAMIST TERRORISTS, N. Korea, Cuba, and on and on.

    If it’s unlawful, Obama cannonballs into the pool of filth, crime, thuggery, grift, & etc.

  8. zonga – “John Q. Public does not want to hear any more about the email scandal. The FBI did not charge her and that’s the end of the story.”

    are you ignorant?
    who says this does not have traction with the public? the msm?

    the public hasn’t had any of this presented to them from the msm.
    how could they be sick of it?
    the public is catching on that the game is rigged if your in the globalist one world government party.

    get over yourself, this is criminal and needs to be dealt with.
    she might slither but she can’t wiggle out of this.

    the e-mails will bring her down if they get enough exposure.

  9. The Pig in a Pantsuit is just barely hanging on. Assange, if you REALLY have something undeniably incriminating– meaning the MSM can’t avoid the truth any longer– release it already! Deliver that knockout punch once and for all. Just.Do.It.

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