Justice For Elias Armstrong!!!! – IOTW Report

Justice For Elias Armstrong!!!!


The owner of a stolen car in Denver successfully tracked down his vehicle with an app but wound up killing a 12-year-old boy in an ensuing shootout, say police. The unidentified driver approached his vehicle once he found it and was “involved in an exchange of gunfire” with its occupants, according to a police statement. The boy later identified as Elias Armstrong then drove the vehicle about two blocks, where police found him inside it with a gunshot wound, reports the New York Times. Elias was taken to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

“I know auto theft is a growing issue, not just in Denver but everywhere, and it’s infuriating to be victimized like that,” Denver city councilwoman Jamie Torres tells KUSA. “But I discourage any resident to taking a vigilante approach.”


Oh nooooo. The poor little boyyyyyyyy.

Wtf does he have a gun?

Seems his life of crime was cut short by a “vigilante.”

27 Comments on Justice For Elias Armstrong!!!!

  1. The kid wasn’t a victim, the kid was acting out what he’s been taught. The crime began with the kid, and he won’t be stealing cars again. I expect more vigilantism as cops refuse to do their job. Reading more and more where government officials are getting whacked. That’s to be expected.

  2. Because there used to be a reasonable expectation that lowlifes would be punished for their crimes.
    I had a vehicle with my tools in it stolen which was found three days later in the middle of an intersection out of fuel without the tools. They had fingerprints on one thing in the car that belonged to the guy that took it, but the DA didn’t bother to prosecute. Lowlifes don’t have any assets or money therefore they don’t bother with them. They only prosecute if you have money.
    Is it vigilante to shoot back at a 12-year-old that stole your car?
    No sane person wants to shoot a 12-year-old, but the kid put the dime in the jukebox. Maybe prosecute the parents for raising a hellion?

  3. Most cops don’t get quizzed on why they returned fire. I over heard a neighbor saying he was shooting at a drug dealer on the city street at night, not to hit him but to scare him away because the cops couldn’t take care of the persistent problem. Elected officials once again trying to protect the criminals from justice and punishment while most people just want safe neighborhoods, not hoods. So who’s really at fault??

  4. @ Uncle Al FEBRUARY 12, 2023 AT 11:13 AM

    Vigilantism absolutely DEMANDS a good faith effort on the part of the State for them o have ANY legitimate monopoly on justice.

    In the case if progressive shitholes like Denver, not only is that standard not met, it is made a mockery of. Furthermore, the kid was acting with the consent and at the urging of the powers that be to punish those who play by the rules and have achieved some success in doing so. The fact that a man owns a vehicle that he has legitimate ownership of infuriates them. Make no mistake about it, had it been some elected or high level appointed shitbag whose vehicle had been acquired by way of grift the right to defend ownership would be considered sacrosanct.

    At this stage in the game, Denver and the State of Colorado no longer has any legitimate interest in the case. They forfeit legitimacy by virtue of having failed to keep up their end if the bargain. Should they proceed, they will prevail in persecuting the man under color of “law.” But irrespective of whatever the outcome any involvement by either only adds insult to injury.

    By not acting in good faith the citizenry has been affectively told “you are on your own to settle these matters as you individually see fit.”

  5. Appearance of the shooter aside, when you’re looking at incoming fire, end that first.

    As to the 12-year old, was this one of the 6-foot plus tall 200 pound 12-year olds? Again, it doesn’t matter: the bullets don’t care. It won’t make the damage to you any less.

  6. @Tony R;
    The animal’s most recent social media post probably was a selfie with face tattoos, smoking a blunt with said gun held over his head sideways and other hand making a gang symbol. Neither picture garners any sympathy on my part. Good riddance!

  7. Yep, we don’t know how many cars or kills he already had in his line of work?
    I’m sure he will be missed by his- fill in the blank.
    I was with this Black girl back in the day and we were at her relatives house, and the son of the mom was killed while he was doing an armed robbery. So the brother’s solution (while waving a 38 around),for paying for the funeral was to go and rob a liquor store.
    I got the heck out of there and never came back. You can’t fix stupid, but it should hurt.


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