Kennedy Center Gets $25 Million In Relief Bill, Then Tells Musicians Their Last Pay Check Is April 3rd – IOTW Report

Kennedy Center Gets $25 Million In Relief Bill, Then Tells Musicians Their Last Pay Check Is April 3rd

Washington Free Beacon

The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts informed members of the National Symphony Orchestra that they would no longer be paid just hours after President Trump signed a $25 million taxpayer bailout for the cultural center, according to an email obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

Nearly 100 musicians will no longer receive paychecks after April 3, according to an email from the orchestra’s Covid-19 Advisory Committee.

“The Covid-19 Advisory Committee was broadsided today during our conversation with [Kennedy Center President] Deborah Rutter,” the email says. “Ms. Rutter abruptly informed us today that the last paycheck for all musicians and librarians will be April 3 and that we will not be paid again until the Center reopens.” More

19 Comments on Kennedy Center Gets $25 Million In Relief Bill, Then Tells Musicians Their Last Pay Check Is April 3rd

  1. No better than GM who seems to be trying to gouge for respirators from what I read.

    Nice Going Pelosi, sneaking it in the Covid Bill!
    Way to help the little guys.
    I’m sure they won’t spend it on restocking the bar & caviar for their complimentary VIP’s

  2. Assuming all working Americans made less than $75,000 and will receive the full $1200, 9% of the bill went to them. The real percentage is less. 91%+ goes to government pet projects.

    Some “relief.” Sad times for America.

  3. Fight back. Rent strike. What else is there?

    Numbers don’t lie. H1N1 flu killed 85,000 in the US. Why is this so much different we have to go full communist?

  4. Well, we can all thank God, Jesus, and President Trump, that the Republicans slapped down the evil Democrats’ bills. And got just what the Republicans wrote. And what PDJT gleefully signed (because it had a “T”).

  5. The thing about being a pro musician is if you don’t want to work for these jerks when they reopen they can just hire someone else. Pretty much everybody is replaceable with them. They don’t love you, they love money, just to be clear. In life find the place where you are irreplaceable until you want to leave.

  6. Everything Democrats touch turns to shit. A reverse Midas effect.

    The Democrats are the masters of the unintended results of their actions.

    So, I do the exact opposite of what Democrats suggest for a happy, fulfilling, moral, rich and rewarding life.

  7. Do I have this right? The demonrats complained the relief bill, as initially written. Only took care the big corporation’s managers, but did not take care of their little guys, the employees.

    They pout and throw a tantrum until they forced a dozen or so of their pet agenda projects to be funded in the relief bill. All things that have nothing to do with the Wuhan virus. One project being to fund the Kennedy Center, which promptly lays off their little guys, their employees. But will fund the company managers. Another demonrat op that does not do what they publicly claimed it was for. Or am I missing something?

  8. When you’re taking the new funds provided by the stem bill and laundering them back to democrat campaign coffers it doesn’t leave much for employees.

    That’s EXACTLY what these bastards do.

  9. Who needs musicians for ‘explorative dance’? Just play a tape of two racoons in a trash can. Who needs Musicians for I hate America multicultural whitey bad based entertainment? Bang, Twelve dollar wine spritzers all night long. Sixty dollar ‘flights’ of artesian cheeses, and twenty dollar glasses of box wine.


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