Kentucky Woman Goes on a Rant When Two Women Cut the Line at a JC Penney Store – IOTW Report

Kentucky Woman Goes on a Rant When Two Women Cut the Line at a JC Penney Store

The mall says they are trying to identify her in order to ban her for life.

Well? Are they on welfare? Do they speak English? Did they cut the line? Are they illegal?

I think these questions need to be answered before they ban this lady, no?

31 Comments on Kentucky Woman Goes on a Rant When Two Women Cut the Line at a JC Penney Store

  1. Uuuugh take 1 minute of video from a incident that was probably several minutes long provide absolutely no context and blast it out on NBC news. Bingo granny is now the second coming of Hitler; not doubt it’s all because Trump was elected President guess we will see a lot of this for the next 8 years, And they wonder why their entire audiuance is a bunch of gereatric old people who can’t go to the bathroom with out assistantance.

  2. The old lady was absolutely correct. If Trump doesn’t send these latina bitches (and others like them) packing posthaste, he will be a failure as president.

    I was standing in line at a ticket counter on crutches only a couple of feet from the next customer in Zurich, Switzerland many years ago on my way back from Saudi Arabia. Some Spanish speaking asshole cut in front of me before I could make my way to the counter. I confronted the jerk and he tried to act like he didn’t realize he did anything wrong (he also spoke English). I eventually shamed his worthless ass into apologizing for cutting in line.

    He claimed his culture dictated that “first come, first serve”. I told him he knew better – his culture wasn’t so rotten that able bodied people were allowed to jump in front of people that couldn’t move as fast as he did just because they were crippled and that since I had been there for several minutes before he showed up, I was clearly first anyway (in front of him in line).

    He backed off at that point and the woman at the counter attempted to apologize to me. The people like those in this video know better, but they don’t care and expect everyone to bow down to them even when they know what they are doing is morally wrong.

    Give the old lady a gift certificate and send the latinas packing as fast as they can go.

  3. Thanks be to the Nubian prince, illegals are emboldened.

    Personally I don’t care if you’re Hispanic or a blue-blooded WASP, you cut in front of me I’ll call you out. Same thing if I hold the door and you fail to say TY, I’ll correct you. I generally have an aversion to rude people.

    I also hold the customer service guy responsible, it was his duty to take the next in line, although he appeared to be more closely related to the rude women so perhaps he favors culture over fairness?

  4. Just wait for when a verified illegal is allowed to sue somebody in a similar incident and the media goes wall to wall in the illegal’s favor. Then the floodgates will open. We will never be completely rid of them and they know it, so it’ll happen.

  5. ‘souwtt of de’ border’ people don’t give a rats about any of us.
    they breed, eat beans & siesta like they have for a thousand years. next time you see one, remember a combat vet can not afford to live like him/her, in today’s America. and 25 of our
    brave men ,blow their brains out daily, as our culture is so warped that it’s un-identifiable.

  6. We all know the white woman practices the manners and courtesies we are all brought up to follow in an orderly society. The foreigners – probably illegal parasites – demonstrate the behaviors that keep their home countries hell holes.

    The white woman refuses to be intimidated or defer to the illegal parasites… and hilarity ensues.

    We should ALL react in exactly the same way as that white woman every time.

  7. Let’s contrast this with the guy who was kicked off a Delta flight, apparently at the request of 20 passengers. In my feed I’m seeing people saying that even though he is a proven hoaxer his claims of racism must be accepted prior to additional information. Yep, no double standard here.

  8. I was patiently standing in a long, slow moving line checking into Immigration on the lovely island of Trinidad. There were three loosely organized lines, and a couple of French guys worked their way to the counter to present their papers as the next customer. In a beautiful, deep voice one of the Immigration Officers handed back their papers, pointed to a bench at the back of the room and told them to sit and wait until he would check them right at 4PM closing time. This was early afternoon and he let them know if they attempted to leave the room he would arrest them and put them on the next flight out of the country. Big smiles and thanks from those of us waiting in line.

  9. I was at a local retail store last week making a return of a single item. I had been waiting in line and was the next person, as the guy in front of me was turning to leave a woman walked in front of me asking if I was waiting in line I said yes and she dumped her stuff on the counter and the clerk gave me a sorry bout that look but took care of her instead of telling her to get in line. I had to hold back from telling her off in the store and left in shock of the rudeness she displayed. some people act like animals.

  10. I live in the thick of illegal territory in the LA area, and I can verify that the last statement hits the nail on the head. I have done my share of waiting in line behind hispanic customers for the hispanic person behind the counter, both speaking Spanish, and sometimes the difference is night and day when it’s my turn. I always wonder if they know each other (sometimes they do, if it’s a food place sometimes families come in for free food and/or to wait for their family member to get off work, but that’s usually obvious), they are just more engaging with a member of their own culture (and I do understand enough Spanish, and can understand probably four times out of five they are strangers). I am always very polite to everyone as a rule in public, but they aren’t always as friendly when they wait on me (and it’s also not a language barrier issue, because I don’t count on people that can’t speak English very well to have an equally friendly conversation with me if they aren’t fluent in the first place.) Coincidence, naturally, some of the time, but having lived my entire life around here, it was one of the first instances of cultural/racial favoritism I could recognize.
    This is in comparison to white people behind the counter, who most often treat everyone with pretty much the same veneer of ‘I hate my job’ disdain. Heh.
    I hope I’m just imagining things most of the time, and don’t ever allow it to color my behavior since I have respect for those around me (and it’s just easier to let it go if I DO have a legitimate complaint, no matter who is behind the counter. I’ve been in this woman’s situation, been cut in front of, had my order messed up, you name it, but it’s often not worth it to cause a scene…unless someone is cheating me out of change or not applying coupons or deals properly. Then I put my foot down.)

  11. As a former entitlements worker for disabled and “newly” minted immigration folks we actually taught them to be aggressive and do this because “mericans” are usually polite and assume the “people not from here” are ignorant of the rules and that as long as they smile, nod, and not say anything back in english that they will get away with it.

    I had to leave that job – my frustration and anger at my bosses and the system of immigration assistance that certain charities operate just ain’t right. It ignores the communities and people that suffer it. Folks you don’t know the half of what obummer the majic kenyan nee hawaiin (big smile) has done.

  12. The cashier is 100% at fault for the situation getting to where it is. Yes, it could be poor training, etc. But cutting in line is wrong in any situation and that’s common sense. No training required.

  13. MJA – – exactly. The cashier SHOULD be the arbitrator but instead they are told NOT to interfere. I won’t put up with line cutters either. In many places in Europe there is no line etiquette. I was once in a concessions line in Italy and everyone was clambering for position with no regard for anyone but themselves. I literally yelled out (like a nazi) “GET IN LINE!” Even though most there didn’t understand English they knew what I said and they all obeyed! These people just need a dictator to tell them how to behave.

  14. I don’t blame this lady at all for being fed up. Poor woman, she clearly was upset, and at her age she deserves respect. She just said out loud what a lot of patriotic Americans feel – frustration, anger and powerless to stop the hoards of illegals and “refugees” flooding our nation without having any allegiance.
    I would have stepped right in front of the illegal and demanded the manager be called immediately. Then filed a complaint with the store if they didn’t comply and let me check out at my turn. Hey, I’ve done it before, and the store backed down.
    BTW, JC Penny should be boycotted if they dare to ban this lady from their store.

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