Left-Wing Daily Beast Reports the Trump N-Word Tape is a Complete Fabrication – IOTW Report

Left-Wing Daily Beast Reports the Trump N-Word Tape is a Complete Fabrication

The reporter’s been trying to get the tape for over 2 years. He wouldn’t like anything better than to have the tape. No one has it. No one at The Apprentice knows what Amarosa is talking about –

HT/ Hot Salsa

16 Comments on Left-Wing Daily Beast Reports the Trump N-Word Tape is a Complete Fabrication

  1. Loco
    You are correct, but the deal is that technology makes it just as easy to spot a fake. Amoarosososos, is going down broke and stupid. From where she started. Poetic.

  2. So,when Amarosa is interviewed and states that she heard this tape she is lying. And knows it. And so do the interviewers.

    Yet we are supposed to be outraged at Trump for condemning fake news.

  3. Oh, come on! The execs at NBC have been through 13 seasons (or however long The Apprentice ran) worth of every audio and video that was ever made, looking — with a fine-toothed comb) for some kind of damning evidence against Trump.

    I know these “journalists” think we’re stupid, but it is starting to gall me a little to know just how stupid they think we are.

  4. If they had it, they would have blown their wad already.

    They sat on the Billy Bush tape for a decade and waited until a month before the election for maximum damage.

    Now, trafficking in innuendo is the best thet have. Here or the Mueller farce.

  5. AbigailAdams …”I know these “journalists” think we’re stupid, but it is starting to gall me a little to know just how stupid they think we are.”
    I agree but how many voted for bernie, hillary and obama? Hell they’re voting for trannies now. There’s a lot of stupid out there.


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