Left-wing people… – IOTW Report

Left-wing people…

As much B.S. as there is in this narrative, which supposedly explains progressive beliefs and motives, there is an underlying absolute truth; they hate the working class and believe they are ordained by fate to dictate to them.


14 Comments on Left-wing people…

  1. Got in a big FB battle with some Mex’s from a gun store I sell to. I know, I’m a shrewd Biz man. They claim they’re reluctant to vote for Trump because he insults Hyspanics. So I lay out the Nationalist vs Glibalist shit, what about your families, the rich getting richer, drain the swamp, etc etc. No effect. So I posted you ass hole gotta figure out if you’re Mexican Americans or Americans from Mexican Hertiage. That didn’t work out so well. And some of them claim to be veterans. We need an I. Q. Test before your aloud to vote.

  2. B_B, A few years ago I was sitting with my guys on a break from training. The eval officer asked our attached forward controller “how he felt being with our team because he was the only African-American on the team.” The young sergeant leaned against me and responded “African?… African?… Sir I was born in Michigan, I’m full blooded 100% American” Then mumbled while shaking his head “fu@king African”… “Jesus”. The poor Captain apologized hung his head and walked away.

  3. @BBrad ~ simple test for voting – do you pay Income Taxes? not ‘payroll tax’ that you get back at the end of the year, not income that gets ‘reimbursed’, but an actual deficit from your income, imposed by the Government that the confiscation of your income supports

    simple … your income actually goes to support the Government, you get to vote because you have skin in the game.
    you don’t support the Government, you don’t get to vote.
    Easy Peasy
    (btw, I never had a year, since I was 15, that I was on the ‘plus side’ of my Income Tax)

  4. BB — I’m sorry you had a miserable day!

    Don’t think for a minute your conversation had no affect, because it did. As a group, they aren’t going to admit among themselves (or maybe they will), but as individuals they’ll think on what you said. Good for you! Besides, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    Tomorrow is another day… and one day closer to MAGA, friend. 🙂

  5. BB — We’re already getting retribution 🙂

    For a long, long time I wrote “they carry the seeds of their own destruction.” No one, no where can be this corrupt without the stench of it giving them away. I’m always telling Geoff C. The Saltine (who is also impatient for retribution) that God’s vengeance (justice) is perfect. Sooner or later (and it seems sooner) every single one of these people in D.C. are going down. Listen to Trump’s NM speech of today; he’s keeping a list, too.

  6. Tony R – It’s not as bad among Hispanic voters as you think.

    I am marrying into a TexMex family and of the 200+ aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers, -inlaws, etc that I have had the opportunity to meet, only 2 or 3 are voting for Clinton. The rest of them are proudly for Trump because he promised to Build The Wall. Basically, they feel since they emigrated here legally, that all the illegal immigrants should be fined and then deported…..and then get to the back of the fucking line after all the legal immigrants standing in line at our embassies.

    And some of my future relatives were already living in Texas back when it was still owned by Mexico before the Texans & Tejans threw off the shackles of Mexican Tyranny and helped kick Santa Ana’s ass at San Jacinto and other places. They were Texans before they were Americans. 🙂

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