Leftism Needs To Be Eradicated – Court Rules Boy Can Go Into Girl’s Locker Room – IOTW Report

Leftism Needs To Be Eradicated – Court Rules Boy Can Go Into Girl’s Locker Room

Ben Shapiro-

On Monday, the federal government declared itself fit for the madhouse by mandating that a Chicago high school allow a full biological male into the girls’ locker room for all purposes, including nudity. This biological male, the feds determined, was different because he thinks he is a female.

The feds have ruled that the presence of a twig-and-berries in the girls’ locker roomhas been mandated by Title IX of the Civil Rights Act. Yes, ladies and gents and non-cisgenders: it turns out that the battle against sexism enshrined in the ill-written Title IX was actually intended to force underage young women to look at the penises and testicles of mentally ill boys.


The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights spent almost two years checking out the Township High School District 211 because of the transgender “girl.” He filed a complaint with the feds in 2013 after the school refused “unrestricted access” to the girls’ locker room. The district eventually agreed to allow the boy into the girls’ room so long as he used a privacy curtain while disrobing.

That wasn’t good enough. The feds determined that this still constituted discrimination. Why? As John Knight, director of the alphabet-soup LGBT and AIDS Project at the ACLU, stated, this was “blatant discrimination.” He explained (well, we think it’s a he, unless he identifies differently today):

It’s not voluntary; it’s mandatory for her. It’s one thing to say to all the girls, “You can choose if you want some extra privacy,” but it’s another thing to say, “You, and you alone, must use them.” That sends a pretty strong signal to her that she’s not accepted and the district does not see her as a girl.

Perhaps the district does not see “her” as a “girl” because “she” is not a she, a her, or a girl. Nonetheless, the Office for Civil Rights agreed, with Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Catherine Lhamon averring:


ht/ Jerry Manderin


39 Comments on Leftism Needs To Be Eradicated – Court Rules Boy Can Go Into Girl’s Locker Room

  1. The parents need to band together on this.
    Those with sons should have them all use the girls bathroom from now on.
    They shouldn’t have to dress like a girl to be one right?
    If not, go ahead and have all the dudes wear dresses to get their point across.
    If people don’t stand up now, they deserve this bullshit.

  2. I think I’m a federal judge….can I rule on this. I mean if all you have to do is think your something.

    Tomorrow I think I’m a horse…. But that’s Tommorow

  3. Sexual attacks, a system that would not shun but defend the EVIL, illegitmate pregnancies, paid for abortions, and in reality, no REAL justice.
    Freeing the “constraints” of sexism has a price.
    Guess it ain’t free.

  4. All those guys for all those years trying to figure out how to get into the girls locker rooms, and now this genius has broken the code. Can’t wait to see how this turns out.

  5. I would make life miserable for his parents. They should be ashamed of themselves. The kid is mental and needs help. Makes me wonder if this crap is the result of doping the kids with psychotropic drugs.

    I so tired of deviants being treated as normal. If the nut thought he was a tree, rather then get the kid counselling, these leftist fruitcakes would water him daily.

  6. folks…let’s think outside the box here………one bathroom has urinals, one has sit-down apparatus
    the urinals are for those humanoids that have a penis….the sit-down apparatus is for those that don’t have a penis
    one bathroom is for the ‘innies’ & one bathroom is for the ‘outies’
    simple….not judging gender…..just common sense analysis by ‘plumbing’
    …put your weenie where your mouth is ‘transgender’ boy

  7. Larry the Lib is one of us. A smart ass that likes to tease us. And funnier than Obama in a real gym. I think I have it narrowed down to 4 people. One day we need a contest. Where in the world is Larry the Lib.

  8. that is a really good idea.

    I tell you what, the other day I had to go real bad and all the stalls were occupied in the gents. One opened up soon enough but I tell you what I was about ready to crap in the sink or go into the ladies because it was either that or download some trouser chili.

    This though, it is just sickness. All the males need to pick up a $3 goodwill dress, throw it on, and poop in the ladies restroom just to prove a point.

  9. All the girls should walk out of gym class, and post a ‘lookout’ at the bathroom. I never wanted to look at other girls in the locker room; I sure as hell wouldn’t want to see a swinging cod walking through.

  10. I think I am prez-o-dent I think I’ll signs me an execute order for the mandatory castration of all he shes. We’ll call the chick’s with no docks executive order.

  11. wtf? where is this crap going to stop?

    At some point in the not-too-distant future I can go and rape some broad and get away with it because I’m a Lesbian trapped in a man’s body!

    The. ASSHOLES. Running. Our. Country. Are. Insane.

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