Legal team wants ‘second Nuremberg tribunal’ to try global lockdown promoters for crimes against humanity – IOTW Report

Legal team wants ‘second Nuremberg tribunal’ to try global lockdown promoters for crimes against humanity
Should the technocrats who pushed governments to lockdown their citizens be tried for crimes against humanity?

One prominent German lawyer, who is also licensed to practice law in America, thinks they should. And he is organizing a team of thousands of participating lawyers who want to prosecute a “second Nuremberg tribunal” against a cadre of international elites responsible for what he calls the “corona fraud scandal.”

Targeting the Davos, Switzerland-based World Economic Forum and its devotees among global political leaders, attorney Reiner Fuellmich says they are guilty of crimes against humanity for their perpetration of COVID-response policies that led to forced shutdowns, destroyed businesses, impoverished families, broken lives and a spike in suicide rates.

He has formed the German Corona Investigative Committee to pursue civil charges against the main perpetrators, among them being the head of the United Nations World Health Organization Dr. Tedros Adhanom. He hopes a successful class-action lawsuit will also lead to criminal charges. read more

15 Comments on Legal team wants ‘second Nuremberg tribunal’ to try global lockdown promoters for crimes against humanity

  1. The same should apply to all the nursing home deaths!!
    Aaaaaaannnnnnd before all those flying monkeys earned their “fact checker” merit badge, they were insecure pecker checkers!

  2. Changing died from to died with, pcr tests of 40+ cycle thresholds, calling people covid hospitalizations that entered the hospital for some other reason and then they coughed. Then they locked down economies with that fraudulent data and caused children all over the world to commit suicide. They’re dropping like flies in Japan.

    Capital punishment for them.

  3. Somewhere the charlatans and reprobates in our government got together with the charlatans and reprobates from BIG CORP GLOBAL INC. and decided “Never let a crisis go to waste” was just too inconvenient if they had to wait around for a crisis to take advantage of. So, they started creating them.

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