‘Let us in!’: Anti-lockdown protesters demand entry to Michigan House floor as lawmakers meet – IOTW Report

‘Let us in!’: Anti-lockdown protesters demand entry to Michigan House floor as lawmakers meet

Washington Examiner: An anti-lockdown protest in Michigan spilled into the state’s Capitol as demonstrators swarmed the building and demanded access to the House floor.

On Thursday, hundreds of people gathered in front of the Capitol building in Lansing to protest Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s stay-at-home order as lawmakers reconvened to debate an extension of the coronavirus state of emergency. Many later moved into the building.

“Protest moves inside Michigan Capitol,” tweeted Local 4 Business editor Rod Meloni. “Crowd attempts to get onto House floor. Lots of Michigan State Police and House sergeants at arms blocking door.”

10 Comments on ‘Let us in!’: Anti-lockdown protesters demand entry to Michigan House floor as lawmakers meet

  1. Because of this, she’s pissed and she’s going to be worse. She is the perfect example why they call women ‘hysterical’. And I’m sick of hearing about how if women ruled there would be no war. hahahahaha.
    Gretchen started a ‘war’ over some fucking plant seeds at the home improvement stores.
    She thinks she’s queen. (Which are also women, who have started wars.)

  2. There’s big billboard signs in Portland Oregon, it says- Stronger Together. So if we’re stronger together why do they want us to stay apart?
    Oh I get it, group think only what you’re told by approved source. Got it.

  3. CA is about to explode too, particularly as Gavin closed all the beaches when many locations were fine with them being open. There is a LOT of resistance.

    May is going to be a yuuuuge month, as the tyranny of the governors will get slammed, and indictments filed by Barr & Co.

  4. The villagers have a few things to say about being ruined. Over the years, many bosses who were not listening were tried and found wanting by Madam Guillotine and quite a few other judges.

  5. ode to my-s**t-is-gone/michigan:
    .a t**t gubernor called “half-wit”
    .kept getting her a** in the s**t
    .the state economy she be wreckin’
    .the Constitution she ain’t respeckin’
    .just like her fellow lib-twits

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