Let’s Hear It for Milwaukee – IOTW Report

Let’s Hear It for Milwaukee

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

The balloons dropped. The delegates arrived and left with souvenirs along with promises to return to Milwaukee. Mayor Cavalier Johnson proclaimed mission accomplished, “We were able to elevate Milwaukee,” he said in a post-convention interview with the Journal Sentinel.

Even the Republican nominee, former President Donald Trump, noted the huge economic impact of hosting the convention on Milwaukee, quipping during his acceptance speech Thursday night that he was “trying to buy” Wisconsin’s vote. He put the impact at $250 million, though the official estimate is $200 million. The actual numbers will be closely scrutinized in the weeks and months to come with reports of disappointing sales from some downtown businesses. More

There was a report during the convention that downtown Milwaukee bars didn’t want Republican conventioneers to patronize their establishments, so they held drag shows all week. This claim was fact checked by Snopes and found false. Here

6 Comments on Let’s Hear It for Milwaukee

  1. “There was a report during the convention that downtown Milwaukee bars didn’t want Republican conventioneers to patronize their establishments, so they held drag shows all week. This claim was fact checked by Snopes and found false.”

    That explains Senator Graham changing his mind and decided not to stay on through Labor Day.


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