Liberals attack John Kerry for Comparing Trump to a “Teenage Girl” – IOTW Report

Liberals attack John Kerry for Comparing Trump to a “Teenage Girl”

TownHall: This is awesome. Failed presidential candidate and former Sec. of State John Kerry is being attacked by far-left progressives after he compared President Donald J. Trump to a “teenage girl” over the weekend. Sec. Kerry, they assert, is being sexist and misogynistic in his comparison.

On Friday night, Sec. Kerry appeared on “Real Time with Bill Maher” to discuss the current administration. After several moments he dove into the heart of his argument, “I don’t want to get into a real riff on this but I’ve got to tell you…He really is the rare combination of an 8-year-old boy—he’s got the maturity of an 8-year-old boy with the insecurity of a teenage girl.”

Of course, the Massachusetts “statesman” committed a grave sin amongst the left — he used cisgender terms that could in some ways be construed as offensive to describe a human being. This rankled progressives’ hearts and unleashed a torrent of f-bombs and insults from Slate writers and Twitter users everywhere. more

7 Comments on Liberals attack John Kerry for Comparing Trump to a “Teenage Girl”

  1. Gotta love it, the rare occasion when the left attack one of their own for coloring outside the lines.

    More taboo rules please, with the goal being to render them permanently mute.

  2. Kerry had the unfortunate bad timing in making light of teenage girls, just as his party most needed for everyone to believe a teenage girl. Well-played, Lurch.

    Pull his Security Clearance, Mr. President. Is there a petition out there? I’ll sign it.


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