Librarian who rejected Melania Trump’s Dr. Seuss books dressed as ‘Cat in the Hat’ – IOTW Report

Librarian who rejected Melania Trump’s Dr. Seuss books dressed as ‘Cat in the Hat’

Not only did she dress as the Cat in the Hat- she looks exactly like the Grinch.

13 Comments on Librarian who rejected Melania Trump’s Dr. Seuss books dressed as ‘Cat in the Hat’

  1. “The culture war of identity politics is a natural fit for the most diverse and narcissistic generation whose greatest skill is still being nasty to other people on the internet while playing the heroic victim.

    If you’re going to crowdsource censorship, it helps to keep your censors personally invested. And that’s what identity politics does. It also doesn’t hurt that some of the worst violations of the Constitution in the last several generations were enacted in the name of fighting bigotry. If you are going to end free speech, the best flag to fly is still anti-racism. And if you’re going to demean the anthem, do it by claiming to be the victim of racism even when you’re a privileged black nationalist celebrity who sees more money in one year than most working people of any race will ever see in an entire lifetime.

    The quiet reshaping of the national culture is no longer an option. The culture war uses harassment, shaming and even violence to silence speech by those it opposes and to impose its speech instead.”


  2. Life imitates South Park.
    In Wednesday’s episode, dad Randy is trying to tear down all the Columbus statues. But it turns out that he has been a Columbus fanatic all his life, even dressing as him for his wedding.
    Pretty good episode, about DNA testing, minority status, and oppression claims.

  3. I do not like that Donald Trump
    I do not like him said the frump
    I do not like him in DC
    I do not like him on TV
    I do not like him said the frump
    I do not like that Donald Trump
    I do not like him as the prez
    I do not like him the dummy says
    I do not like that Donald Trump
    I do not like him screamed the frump

  4. Abigail Adams, I agree that God always has the last laugh. No matter how smart or clever or whatever we think we are it pales into insignificance when God has something to say about it. We should just shut up and listen and maybe like Job (my favorite book of the Bible) God will help us understand, if we’d just quit listening to all the critics. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord.

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