Lockdown is generating hordes of aggressive rats denied their usual food sources – IOTW Report

Lockdown is generating hordes of aggressive rats denied their usual food sources

American Thinker:

By Thomas Lifson.

Despite the fantasies of the utopian left, there is no repealing the law of unintended consequences.  Close restaurants and halt the flow of garbage that rats treat as their supermarkets while laying off the people who normally would be guarding against their proliferation, and rats get hungry, aggressive, and wide-ranging in their search for food.  Who is going to stop them if nobody is working in a closed restaurant?

It’s so bad that the CDC is issuing guidelines for dealing with rodents during the COVID 19 lockdown:

17 Comments on Lockdown is generating hordes of aggressive rats denied their usual food sources

  1. How do you tell the difference between rodent-rats and democ-rats?

    No, that’s not a lead-in to a joke. Serious question. Tails and opposable thumbs aside, both kinds are displaying the same behavior: they are becoming more frantic and aggressive as their source of sustenance dwindles.

  2. Put a food baited and open metal dumpster inside a not ratproof fence hooked to a DC Capacitor and a 2 minute timer.
    Empty dead rats with garbage truck and rebait every morning.

  3. Always the with the Health Care. Everywhere.
    What a job they could do scamming the whole thing.
    Medical Industrial State.
    Bend over. Wallet out.
    Jocques Pepin July 18, 2018

    There’s a non-generic Heartburn Pill for that.
    And a Banking of Americas to know who’s who and who’s got whats and the whens the best time to call and so on and so on to the next call list.

    Burn ’em out

  4. Are you talking about the American traitors paid by the ChiComms to do ‘news’ reporting, and the people like jeff bezps who hire them at his washington post? Those rats?

  5. Cuomodrat: Do What We Say or Die

    Any journalistic types willing to do a deep dive on the eldery that perished during the great NYC Rest Home Cuomocerfluffle. It appears there is a direct inverse corelation between survivors with bank balances and the longevity rates of those less enriched. What a great predictor for the Big Pharma moneymarkets lifecycles of the ricj and virused. Networths and networks, supercharged.

    Love, New York Style

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