Low IQ Ana Navarro Proves She is Low IQ – IOTW Report

Low IQ Ana Navarro Proves She is Low IQ


She is getting destroyed by both the left and right.

15 Comments on Low IQ Ana Navarro Proves She is Low IQ

  1. The MSM talking heads are missing the point. The issue was never “did Elizabeth Warren have any Indian heritage.” The issue was, and is “did Elizabeth Warren have sufficient Indian heritage, if any, to qualify for preferential treatment at Harvard, or any other institution.”

    I doubt that Harvard would accept someone with .1% Indian blood as ticking the box as a minority student or minority hire. If that were the case, then the number of white applicants having their blood tested in order to find trace amounts of minority DNA in order to qualify for preferential treatment would likely be astounding and would throw affirmative action on its ear.

    Frankly, Warren’s test results seem sketchy. But even so, Warren should be further castigated for the fraud she perpetuated on Harvard; her DNA test proves that Warren lied and tried to game the system when she was associated with Harvard because her Indian “lineage” was so insignificant so as to be completely discounted.

  2. Elizabeth Warren was curious as to how she had received her indian name. So she went to speak to her father, the chieftain of the tribe.

    “Father,” she asked, “how is it that I acquired my name.

    The noble chieftain began a long narrative for his daughter.

    “Well, my daughter, I named you and both of your brothers for an event which occurred on the day each of you were born. For example, the day your eldest brother was born, I saw a deer running swiftly through the forest, so I named him Deer Running Swiftly.

    “Likewise, when your other brother was born, the rain was pouring hard outside of the wigwam, so I named him Rain Pouring Hard.

    “Why do you ask, Two Dogs Fucking?”

  3. I’ve received nothing but rave reviews from my colleagues after whipping up treats from this cookbook in the faculty lounge kitchen. Admirers of Pow Wow Chow may also enjoy Bow Wow Chow, a Indonesian-influenced cookbook from a former professor now in politics.

    I thoroughly enjoy the recipes here. My favorite one is called “Diversity Dish.” This was contributed by the world’s only confirmed blond-haired, blue-eyed Cherokee who used her tomahawk to dig this up from her Oklahoma archives. You start out with 10 quarts of sanctimony, add in a gallon of hypocrisy, throw in a few fables (I recommend the “Family Lore” brand available in Cambridge), add a pinch of whining (1/32 ounce will work), toss in a paleface poseur and a large measure of insufferability. No integrity required. And there you have it: political career implosion. Great for faculty lounge gatherings and unearned academic advancement.

    Sergeant O’Rourke, Corporal Agarn and the rest of the troop really enjoyed the chow offered up in this recipe book, particularly those written by the high-cheekbone squaw Harvard Or Bust.
    She ain’t much to look at but what she can do with 0/32 of a buffalo, a hint of brown mustard and a carrot over a campfire next to the teepee is remarkable!
    However, nearly all agreed that the dishes would be enhanced by a bit ‘o dog.


    That is just a sample. Many more pithy comments at the link


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