Lt. Col fired because his air crews (including women) persisted in drawing funny stick figure penises all over everything – IOTW Report

Lt. Col fired because his air crews (including women) persisted in drawing funny stick figure penises all over everything

Lt. Col. Paul Goossen has been relieved as commander of the 69th Bomb Squadron at Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota.

Sent in by Janitor-

This is extreme over-the-top #metoo PCness.

After reading the article, I wondered, who the hell would do this to
a competent hero (and without warning)? So I looked it up.

Best as I can tell, Lt. Col Goosen reported to General Timothy Ray, who recently (August
2018) was promoted by Trump to head of the Air Force Global Strike Command.

Okay, he’s in a new job, nervous to do well. So… who does General Ray report to? One Heather Wilson, Secretary of the Air Force.

Apparently, she was promoted there in 2017 by Mattis (who didn’t know her well) because of her prior Air Force, Congress, and university head background. Okay. Picture getting clearer. Her last gig was in higher education.

A diversity hire.

She “wants to change the culture in the service.”


WAPO article on Heather Wilson

16 Comments on Lt. Col fired because his air crews (including women) persisted in drawing funny stick figure penises all over everything

  1. Strikes me that if the squadron commander couldn’t get his troops to stop doing something as minor as drawing dicks on things then he’s gotta go. He doesn’t have the respect that he needs to do his job. The next commander will now need to step in hard to get the squadron squared away. Don’t think it really had anything to do with the Secretary of the Air Force.

  2. scr_north, why is drawing stick dicks a problem? I think it’s pretty funny as mischief goes — it isn’t hazing.

    Be that as it may, don’t you think there should have been some kind of warning or “rule” come down first? Seems to me that the SJW rules are constantly changing. (I confess ignorance about AF understood “values”; we’re Army folk here.)

  3. One of our guys on the “Crud Crew” the guys who painted our planes in my Squadron VF-114 once painted a couple of aardvarks mating on one of the planes. It didn’t last very long, one of our officers saw it and got a good laugh out of it and told him to change it immediately which he did. Darned good thing the CO didn’t see it because he was major a league jerk like Robert Duvall in the Great Santini.

  4. @janitor; I understand your point but it happened repeatedly over a lengthy period of time and the commander couldn’t seem to be able to stop it and that’s why he was canned.

  5. Wilson was on a panel at yesterday’s Reagan National Defense Forum (12/1/18).
    One of the questions re: AF readiness and pro/cons of a sixth branch/Space Force, and projected costs, gave me the impression she came from the private sector, and this is before reading this article.

    As a respected 4 Star General with a lifetime of serving, is she the best Mattis could find? Some of his picks and wishy washy stances on issues are disappointing.

    Given decades of softening up the pool of potential recruits, no one should be surprised. God help us if we ever have to institute the Draft. This ain’t the Greatest Generation’s gene pool.

  6. Men are no longer allowed their humor, or authority…but they will damn well have to take the responsibility.

    Welcome to the feminization of everything.


  7. It doesn’t look to me like Heather Wilson, beneficiary of being affirmatively actioned into the third AF Academy class that accepted women, actually did anything much military.

    She graduated USAFA in 1982. Being a unique commodity, she then got an Oxford scholarship and went to England, getting a Ph.D. in 1985 in “international relations”. Then she did her commitment by staying in England for two years, in a cushy job at the 3rd Air Force Headquarters, RAF Mildenhall, and another for two years in NATO’s Office of Defense Plans, NATO, Brussels.

    At that point, her commitment in the military all done, she exited as a Captain and got a job in DC as a staff member in the NSC for two years until 1991, when she started bouncing around in various jobs in government bureacracies in New Mexico, private industry…

    In October, the Air Force Times reported that Trump was not happy with her slow-rolling his Space Force plans.

    She was a recommend to Mattis by Pence.


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