Lucasfilm Accused of the Old Switcheroo – IOTW Report

Lucasfilm Accused of the Old Switcheroo

A local company based in the Lincoln Park neighborhood is suing a big filmmaker, after they claim one of their bags appeared in the new Indiana Jones film.

“It sure is fun to see a bag made right here in Duluth be a giant on the screen and for a big period of the movie,” Frost River Owner Christian Benson said.

Frost River officials said fans spotted their bag, called the Geologist Pack, in the Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny movie.

“We saw a big uptick on the Geologist’s webpage, and then we started getting email requests from customers asking for us to remove the logo,” Benson said. More

LucasFilm let another company, Filson, pass itself off as the bag maker. Here

13 Comments on Lucasfilm Accused of the Old Switcheroo

  1. Wait, nobody actually watched that piece of dog crap to even notice?

    Since Lucasfilm is owned by Disney and wish them nothing but misery, failure, and bankruptcy, I approve the move.

  2. Wait a minute, there was free product placement and now they’re suing?
    I doan get it.

    Sure, it looks like Frost River’s bags were in the movie, but another company, Filson seems to have a merch deal with Lucasfilm and was allowed to advertise that their bags were in the film. – Dr. Tar

  3. I hate Disney, but why not put the Frost River logo on the bag in the movie, and then charge Frost River a promotional fee?

    Lucasfilm never approached Frost River for the obvious use of their product in the movie, they instead removed the label. A different company advertised itself with the new movie and there’s even a clip from the movie with the bag under question in the commercial, thus Filson violated Frost River’s intellectual property rights. – Dr. Tar

  4. Shcked! SHOCKED I TELL YOU!

    Iger is a liar and a thief! WOW!


    Iger gave another company credit for the product. NOT Frost River! Iger’spalsgot the sales increase generated by the film!

    Ice got some “tall free” $!

    “who’d a think it!”! Iger is a crook!

  5. Iger was fortunate enough to follow perhaps the worst CEO in American history, Michael Eisner and his only claim to fame was that he did what Eisner was too stupid to do, buy Pixar.

    Iger is a true believer, a leftist who really does want to reshape our culture right out of the Klaus Schwab mold. This guy needs to be put down hard.

  6. DeSanctus got Disneyed, after Donny the future looks bleak.
    Disney, a American institution will live on long long after Ron DeSanctus dies off. You & people like you are not helping this is in the least bit. Be sadly mistaken not everyone wants a woke culture. It has a course to run & it will run out in do time. Florida governors will come & go Disney will live on much much longer. God bless Walt Disney’s dream.

  7. I’m sorry, but all of this falls squarely on one bitch’s shoulders….Kathleen Kennedy. This cunt, sorry ladies, has done nothing but destroy the legacies of two pretty great movie franchises (Star Wars & Indiana Jones) by bringing in her woke idealogies into a realm in which they never belonged. A pox on her and her house.

  8. If I buy your product, it’s mine. If I want to remove your label, well, I bought the label too. I’m under no obligation to preserve your bag. If France wanted to sell me the Mona Lisa I’d be free to burn it.

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