Major Networks Drop The “Mostly Peaceful” Descriptor, Still Declare “Riots” To Be “Protests” – IOTW Report

Major Networks Drop The “Mostly Peaceful” Descriptor, Still Declare “Riots” To Be “Protests”


The left’s Orwellian redefining of words took a dangerous step Monday as all three of the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) started to refer to the riots of Brooklyn Center, Minnesota as “protests,” effectively dropping the “mostly peaceful” label they were mocked for using in the summer of 2020. All of this followed an apparently accidental shooting where a police officer seemingly went to use her Taser but discharged her duty pistol instead.

The first showing of the media’s dangerous rebranding of riots came earlier in the day when an activist journalist screamed at Brooklyn Center Police Chief Tim Gannon, saying “there was no riot” as he described how his officers were attacked with projectiles. “The officers that were putting themselves in harm’s way were being pelted with frozen cans of pop, they were being pelted with concrete blocks,” he told the press.

The truth didn’t matter to the broadcast networks as they gaslit their audiences. “A curfew now in place following protests and clashes with police,” announced ABC’s World News Tonight anchor, David Muir during the opening tease. And as CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell teased the “violent protests,” NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt noted that “protesters clashing with police.” More

7 Comments on Major Networks Drop The “Mostly Peaceful” Descriptor, Still Declare “Riots” To Be “Protests”

  1. I live in a neighborhood where there are these funny multi-colored sign posts on some restate that say the oddest shit about love and stuff. Are these “Please don’t attack this house signs..?

  2. He resigned today along with the female police officer. I’m sure they can find a woke, unqualified but checks a lot of boxes replacement to ensure the city continues the decent to hell.

  3. “Major Networks Drop The “Mostly Peaceful” Descriptor, Still Declare “Riots” To Be “Protests””

    …unless you’re a productive, concerned citizen who’s peacefully assembled to petition your Congress and courts for redress as your country and its Presidency is blatantly stolen.

    …THEN, you’re a rioter who must be imprisoned without trial and stripped of all your worldly goods as your family and everyone you know is treated to harassing investigations and specious prosecution until you all die or surrender…


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