Major WH Announcement Tomorrow At 3:00 PM Eastern – IOTW Report

Major WH Announcement Tomorrow At 3:00 PM Eastern

The president tweeted out a message this afternoon that he will be making a major announcement tomorrow on the “Humanitarian Crisis on our Southern Border and the Shutdown.” More

Given that Speaker Pelosi was at Reagan airport on her way to fly back to California, it seems safe to say she has no idea what is about to befall her.

Let the speculation begin.

16 Comments on Major WH Announcement Tomorrow At 3:00 PM Eastern

  1. I have a perspective: Trump has invited Pelosi to discuss if it can only be on video. Taped. So that the entire nation may one day see what a fake she is. That is why she will not meet with him. It’s a good move, because the press is on her side and won’t report it. But he can through twitter and such

    Speaking of sides, the boarder wall is on the president’s side as far as polling and even the hispanic polling!

    Maybe he will say, “End the federal shutdown and pay these people. Now, I’m going to build the wall federally and take my blows from the media”. I support this! This would be a win.

  2. curious that this comes out on the 29th day of the shutdown … hope he comes out & says “tomorrow I will order the Office of Personnel Management to begin RIF proceedings, as prescribed by Federal Code

    … oh, & with all the money we saved by pulling out of Syria, I’m ordering the Corps of Engineers to start building the Wall … have a nice day”

  3. I love how POTUS Trump explains (as though he were talking to a backward child) how, just because Pelosi calls a wall “medieval”, so is the wheel — medieval. I would go further and say that walls were invented for the purpose of enforcing the basic idea that “this is my side and that is your side.” There’s nothing immoral about staking a claim on what is yours, and if you don’t have the time or inclination to stand watch on your stuff, you build a wall to deter others from kiping your stuff. So fundamental, it seems absurd to explain it.

  4. I’m now wondering if it might have been somebody in the Trump camp that leaked that story to I’m Really Buzzed Man, because the blood letting on Twitter is priceless.

  5. msNBC 9:17 PM to 9:19 PM Eastern New York Time
    “Hit the Nail on the Head. . .if Robert Mueller had a mountain of evidence he would be doing something about it”

    The looong faces prove it.
    Their back to Dick Nixon fantasies five minutes later.

  6. Looks like he’ll declared a national emergency and the wall is going up – yes! Hopefully, the Shutdown will continue to get rid of the “waste”.
    BTW, Nasty Nance and Chuckles are planning their next move to betray Americans. President Trump should be way ahead of the barrage of stupid, warped reporting by Leftist media with another checkmate move.

  7. WIth the current balance of power in the house and senate, neither pelosi or schumer have the power to do anything, really. Their power lies in their ability to keep things from happening. They might initiate something, but it won’t come to pass, if balances stay as they are. Thankfully, Trump has the power to both start and stop things.
    Guess I’ll tune in tomorrow. See you there.

  8. I hope he builds the wall using all the desks, file cabinets, conference tables, ergonomic chairs, and executive credenzas from the offices of RIFfed bureaucrats.

    @joe6pak – we’re on the same page. I reeeeeeeally want to see some seismic shit-canning at about 8.2 on the RIFter scale!


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