Man Who’s Whined About Fox News for Seven Years Accuses Republicans of Being Thin-Skinned – IOTW Report

Man Who’s Whined About Fox News for Seven Years Accuses Republicans of Being Thin-Skinned

obama cry

JWF: The man breaks new ground in projection every time he opens his mouth. This is just breathtaking.

President Obama on Monday mocked Republican presidential candidates as thin-skinned for lashing out at CNBC over the network’s handling of last week’s primary debate.  MORE

20 Comments on Man Who’s Whined About Fox News for Seven Years Accuses Republicans of Being Thin-Skinned

  1. In 07 I said quickly, oh hell no, oh shit, a trojan horse.
    Personally I believe that tyrannical governments
    will have the fodder to flourish in a higher than 50% divorce rate.
    It’s become increasingly obvious that there are strong and powerful financial and spiritual forces against God and nature.
    The whole world is feeling this, something isn’t right.

    Just like every one of us though, take comfort in the fact Obama also, will bow his knee.

  2. i am a combat officer from a family of military heritage from the revolution

    this dickless, cowardly, vapid, vain motherfucker is the most abhorrently clueless pussy to have ever been in a position of major power

    there is absolutely no leadership coming from our white house

    if any organization lacks leadership, the result is chaos, divisiveness, zero morale, see the current state of our nation

    we have been rudderless for almost 7 years now, and it is questionable if we can make another 15 months

    we need a 180 degree turn from our current course, or there will be no chance of a return to the prominence that the world requires

    the only 2016 candidate going for the throat is trump

    go trump, go fucking go

  3. What debate was his puppet master, Jarret, watching? I know it was above oDAMNa’s REAL education level to watch adults debate.

    The Debate moderators got kicked in the testicles by Cruz and Trump and the rest stomped them to the ground: out for the count.

    It in golf terms, for oDAMNa, the republicans scored a hole in one, then buried the ball. Jackass.

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