Manchin Offers to Sacrifice Trump Tax Cuts to Appease Angry Democrats – IOTW Report

Manchin Offers to Sacrifice Trump Tax Cuts to Appease Angry Democrats

Washington Times

Sen. Joe Manchin III, under fire for killing President Biden‘s mammoth social welfare and climate change bill, is attempting to make peace with Democrats by promising to help them blow up the Trump-era tax cuts.

The West Virginia Democrat has told colleagues the divide over Mr. Biden’s $1.75 trillion Build Back Better Act should not be seen as intransigence toward big policy changes. Rather, the package’s defeat presents an opportunity for Democrats to reorient their agenda to a few key priorities.

One such priority, according to Mr. Manchin, should be the repeal of former President Trump’s signature tax cuts. Democrats have long lambasted the corporate and income tax cuts as a “giveaway to the rich.” More

14 Comments on Manchin Offers to Sacrifice Trump Tax Cuts to Appease Angry Democrats

  1. We got through the Christmas buying season, so the money changers are happy. Fooled again into thinking there was a glimmer of hope in the darkness ahead, but alas it was just Demon(s) doing what they ALWAYS do.

  2. He’s either calling their bluff (i.e. lies) or inviting the democrats to destroy themselves come the mid-terms.

    Those tax cuts helped the middle and working class far more than it did for the “rich.” Raise rates on the majority of voters and see what it gets you when it comes time for re-election.

  3. As I wrote in an earlier thread: Manchin has NO principles, NO integrity, NO morals – regardless of which party flag he sails under.
    (like most politicians)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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