Mark Steyn On Donald Trump – IOTW Report

Mark Steyn On Donald Trump

Steyn –

The retort that Trump is not a “real” Republican or a “real” conservative would of course be a devastating criticism had “real” Republicans and “real” conservatives” in Washington managed actually to “conserve” anything during their time in office.

Fiscal prudence? Constrained welfare? Private health care? Religious liberty? There’s no point to a purity test for a party that folds more reliably than the White House valet. As I’ve said, for the Republican establishment the issue is Trump; for a large part of the base the issue is the Republican establishment.


And THIS, this, my friends, is my problem with that sweaty fat man over at Redstate, and anyone like him. This “activist” is seemingly unaware that conservatives haven’t done one damn thing since Reagan.

So, for this bloated tick with a mealy mouth to start weeding out the pure from the impure (and don’t you buy for one second that Trump was disinvited to Erickson’s overblown soiree because of a period joke. This “activist” seized on whatever was convenient in order to ostracize him) is farcical.

He’s running around furiously pointing at people who could be “dumb enough to support Trump,” who are the very same people who held their noses and endured McCain, Romney and now Yeb.

Please. They’re fed up. Not dumb.

And no, I am not endorsing Trump. I’m endorsing Mark Steyn.

ht/ jerry manderin

20 Comments on Mark Steyn On Donald Trump

  1. The hits just keep on coming and from unusual sources –

    “Trump is his own kind of politician, a rhetorical pugilist unlikely to fold or back down in the face of criticism, a man for whom the normal definition of (and typical response to) a perceived “gaffe” does not apply. ”

    Brad Knickerbocker – Christian Science Monitor

  2. I just love Steyn.. Trump is not a “real” Republican, not a “real” conservative.

    Then what the fuck have the “realies” been doing these past 50 years?

    That’s how I read Steyn. For fuck sake. I’d vote for Trump on a dime. I admire Cruz, Walker,Carson,and Fiorina.

    It’s got to be one of them for me.

  3. Steyn nails it. It’s exactly where I am now, too.

    What have the Republicans done with the support we’ve given them? So if they lie, cheat, and steal only to get reflected, and we got nothing in return…

    Who needs to belong to a party like that?

    Stuff your party up your ass, all of you fine “party Republicans”.

    You won’t fool me again.

  4. I have more respect for the Democrats who never give in on anything. They win a battle-screw that! They demand more! They are never satisfied and just keep on advancing no matter if it takes fifty years. The bastards fight and just never stop! While the pathetic, spine-less Republicans just appease them time and time again until it seems they have slowly mutated themselves into Democrats without even realizing it. They have completely lost their identity while we conservatives pray that someone would appear on the political scene and set them straight like Reagan did. Trump seems to be the only attempting to turn this upside down society we live in and set it upright again. I just hope it’s not too late.

  5. If Trump is the hockey goon, so be it.
    What’s he going to do in 4 years that hasn’t already happened to us?
    Even if he’s lying he can’t be worse than Obama.

    Can he?

  6. Absolutely. Let him break the monopoly that the Demons and Repubics and media establishment hold if he can. That’s what most Americans want. We can deal with whatever happens later but they need to be stopped or its over for sure.

  7. I hope The Donald gives tours of the White House to show us the crappy stark boring yet expensive decorating Mrs. O et al has done. Calls it ugly and redecorates (using his own money so no one can bitch). Melania then hosts an unveiling on HGTV. Yes, there will be gold.

    Trump brings back the Churchill bust and announces it with fireworks and fanfare and lights up the White House in red white and blue.

    Maybe fireworks EVERY night- why the heck not- it’s the greatest country in the world.

    Blank canvas baby and I’m paintin’!

  8. Struan, Your comment about unusual sources hit a note for me. I never watch Bill O’Reilly anymore because he’s such a gas bag. But for some reason, I watched his “Talking Points” on Monday. I nearly fell out of my chair.

    One thing that shocked me was what he said about the establishment politicians: “Many establishment politicians and press despise Trump for highlighting a dysfunctional system that they themselves embrace.”

    Pleasantly surprised.

  9. Michael Medved says that Trump is damaging the GOP. I think that is the point. The Reagan coalition is getting back together and the rino establishment can vote again for the dim candidate just like they did in ’80 and in ’08.

  10. Pretty much tuned him out when he was ALL IN for MuhCain during the ’07 primaries. Caller after caller would bring up every stupid thing our Jonny Boy had done in his illustrious career as an “aisle crosser” and Medved would defend him to the hilt. Used to think he was pretty sharp (love his History CD’s) but smart people will correct themselves after obvious blunders….

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