Marvel Comics Reimagining Of Captain America Is “Fabulous!” – IOTW Report

Marvel Comics Reimagining Of Captain America Is “Fabulous!”


Marvel Comics is preparing to introduce a nose ring-wearing, gay Captain America for the character’s 80th anniversary. The new Cap will also be an LBGTQ activist.

Captain America — which first hit the newsstands in March of 1941 — is getting a makeover. Marvel will feature a new Captain America named Aaron Foster, a young gay man who the publisher says “stands for the oppressed and the forgotten.” More

28 Comments on Marvel Comics Reimagining Of Captain America Is “Fabulous!”

  1. They have no new ideas. All they can do is feed off of their betters, like parasites. The whole DC/Marvel comic book industry is collapsing, held up by their movies. The people they want to impress don’t and won’t buy their comics. The people that do buy comics are not impressed by “re-imagining” traditional heroes. Steve Rogers is spinning in his grave.

  2. DC/Marvel comic book industry are no different than the main stream media, the movie and TV industry, Public Schools, Universities, Counties, States, Congress, Senate, Supreme Court and The President and National agencies.
    THEY ALL are REIMAGINING the United States.

  3. Get woke, go broke.

    They are rather late to the game, that worn out and broken down old mule is not one to be harnessed to that anyone is going get much mileage out of these days. This is an indication that they are out of ideas and are just trying to keep limping along as long as they can.

  4. oppressed and the forgotten.

    Uh. No. They can use any bathroom, go to an additional subset of bars and nightclubs, have parades, pedo gatherings in libraries, 80% of actors on TeeVee, and Joe signs an executive action for them just about every day, among many more privileges I don’t care to keep track of. It all adds up to being more free and less forgotten with more privileges than me, the TRULY oppressed and forgotten super straight heteronormative white middle class male.

  5. I do not care. I was never a comic book guy.

    You can all come out of your comic book closet now.

    Hell, SNL outted you in the 90s with the Anonymously Gay Duo.

    Now that was funny.

  6. Time to sell my Surround sound system.

    Artists I used to like are so elitist & leftist that I can’t watch my live concerts anymore.
    The older movies seem so naive & pie in the sky.
    Current music makes me barf. (too many reasons to list)
    Country ain’t County anymore.
    Current movies SSSSUUUUCCCKKK.
    And I have to put plexiglass in front of my TV just to protect it from the shit i want throw at it.

    Too bad, it took years to build but it is going to be sold off soon.

  7. Jack Kirby is rolling over in his grave and wants to come back and kick the dumbasses who are responsible for turning Capt. America into an America hating fairy. I have no use for the new Marvel or DC anymore, I could care less but please quit screwing with the older better super hero’s and trying to remake them into politically mockeries and parodies of what they used to be. One of the Far Side cartoons this morning had Popeye cross dressing and Olive Oyl breaking in on him and saying “No Popeye” while Popeye’s saying “I yam what I yam.”, I got a good laugh out of that but all you politically correct jackasses out there please quit fucking with the heroes of my childhood.

  8. I don’t care about pop culture one whit. Go entertain yourselves. Who fucking cares? Self amuse yourselves to your heart’s content. I will be in the lounge bagging your girl. Unless she’s tatted and pierced. OK. I will not be bagging. Mostly I will spend my time explaining why there is no future in hanging out with a loser that has no valid self identity.

  9. It’s not about actually making these characters viable, it’s about ruining anything that had any ties to the last vestiges of classic Americana.

    Sort of like how the left did their best to ruin football, NASCAR and other things by worming their politics into said activities in order to make them less palatable for those who enjoyed them, the comics thing is twofold: indoctrinate and distort, so that you don’t associate Captain America with traditional values and fighting for “truth, justice, and the American way”, but rather make him so terrible to behold in warping his image to suit their desires that you either accept him as the “real thing” as they hope with the youth market, or, turn you off completely from caring to anyone who appreciated his image/personality for what it really was to where you abandon caring about such characters any longer.

    The culture war really is over, unless enough people are extremely vocal in their rebuttal, and so far, I’m not seeing it.

  10. Would now be a good time to start to sell off my comic collection (60s-90s)?

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