The shooter who earlier this week killed 10 people in Sweden’s worst mass shooting was connected to the adult education center where he opened fire with at least one rifle-like weapon, law enforcement officials said Thursday.
Authorities said the gunman, who has not yet been officially identified, may have attended school there before Tuesday’s violence on the school campus west of Stockholm. The shooter was later found dead with three guns, 10 empty magazines and a large amount of unused ammunition next to his body, officials told a news conference.
The school, Campus Risbergska, offers primary and secondary educational classes for adults age 20 and older, Swedish-language classes for immigrants, vocational training, and programs for people with intellectual disabilities. It is on the outskirts of Orebro, about 200 kilometers (125 miles) from Stockholm. More
Religion of Peace?
poc from muslim country to be named?
But the Dems have assured us that this only happens here in the US……right Chucky?
They’ve been concealing details of shooter so we automatically know…
If the Swedish Bikini team wants a safe place to hang out, I have some extra space in my house.
“…rifle-like weapon…”
Curious how the morons reporting this aren’t sure what weapon was used but seem to be pretty darn sure what the bore and barrel length were. From multiple magazines, can we deduce that this wasn’t a blunderbuss?
C’mon boys n girls, how about the make, serial number, and why this RoP-er was in your country in the first place?
The silence of the shooter’s ID shouts volumes
Hey, c’mon now, why automatically assume it’s a Muslim? It might be a tranny!
“Hey, c’mon now, why automatically assume it’s a Muslim? It might be a tranny!”
A tranny Muslim perhaps?
Good thing it was a gun free zone.
They probably didn’t have enough signs up?
That would’ve stopped this deadly tragic attack in its tracks, said no one.
Aftonbladet(Swedish paper) named the shooter: Rickard Andersson, Swedish looney loner. They had a photo and he does kind of look like a weird guy.
My grandfather was from Orebro and I still have relatives there. No Anderssons though!
Swedish politicians who allowed thdse maniacs to flood their natuon should be hangedd
Rickard Andersson, hmmmmmm…
Well, when you allow maniacs to flood the nation guess what comes along for the ride?
Their sick, twisted, fucked up ideology to infect and corrupt the domestic misfits.