McAuliffe Campaign Have Hired Sleaze Ball Lawyer Marc Elias To Challenge Coming Election Defeat – IOTW Report

McAuliffe Campaign Have Hired Sleaze Ball Lawyer Marc Elias To Challenge Coming Election Defeat

Western Journal

Virginia Democrat Terry McAuliffe’s gubernatorial campaign may see the handwriting on the wall, as it has reportedly hired the infamous attorney Marc Elias’ firm to represent them.

That’s the same Elias who worked for the Washington, D.C., law firm Perkins Coie hired by the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2016 to conduct opposition research on Donald Trump. More

7 Comments on McAuliffe Campaign Have Hired Sleaze Ball Lawyer Marc Elias To Challenge Coming Election Defeat

  1. I won’t be surprised if he loses; he’s had Joe “no coattails” Biden stump for him. Plus Obama, who’s not known for actually getting out the vote for other Dem candidates. And Kamala, who couldnt bring in 1% of the voter for herself even.

  2. If & I mean IF that Fox poll was correct, after the Arizona fuck-up last election 2020. Can or will the Democrats try to steal the Virginia race with Youngkin up by 8 points? We all know that they have more balls than a pool hall, but I just can’t see them trying to steal it with Youngkin way up beyond the margin of error. Just my thinks, could very well be wrong, but I hope not. I believe this will be the parents voting who have kids in schools that are not within the radius of the swamp who have seen what McAwful really is & wants to do. We’ll see soon enough.


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