McCain, Romney, and Rubio Join the Republicans for Antifa Club – IOTW Report

McCain, Romney, and Rubio Join the Republicans for Antifa Club

Breitbart: As James Bond’s nemesis Auric Goldfinger famously observed, “Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence. The third time is enemy action.” On Tuesday evening, three prominent Republicans — Senator John McCain, Senator Marco Rubio, and 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney — endorsed the left-wing media’s preferred narrative and embraced the masked thugs of Antifa as heroes.


McCain and Romney used almost identical language, bending their knees to the media narrative that only two factions were present in Charlottesville during the awful events of last weekend: white supremacist Nazis and “Americans standing up to defy hate and bigotry.”

Neither of these gentlemen can claim ignorance of Antifa; the reason both of them piped up is that President Donald Trump mentioned them in his Tuesday press conference. Left-wing politicians and media personalities responded by thundering “there is only one side” for all right-thinking Americans to be on, because there was only one squad of villains on the ground in Charlottesville.

McCain and Romney obediently bent the knee to this narrative. At the very least, they’re agreeing Antifa should be invisible, accepting the incredibly stupid idea that calling out their violence somehow dilutes criticism of the Tiki Torch Terror. Mentioning Antifa is damned under the left’s new doctrine of “Whataboutism,” which originally held that history began with the inauguration of President Trump and all prior Democrat sins were absolved, but has mutated into an unlimited free pass for the #Resistance to do whatever it takes to bring down the Trump administration without a peep of protest from tame Republicans.

Senator Marco Rubio went much, much further. He launched a brief tweetstorm that completely absolved Antifa of all responsibility for its actions in Charlottesville, blaming all violence “one hundred percent” on those who organized the events leading to the “Charlottesville terrorist attack” (the vehicular homicide perpetrated by James Alex Fields Jr.)

Most astoundingly, Rubio embraced the Crybully Creed, the left-wing fascist idea that hate speech justifies a violent response. Your speech is violence; their violence is speech. Yes, Rubio used exactly those words in his third tweet.  more here

22 Comments on McCain, Romney, and Rubio Join the Republicans for Antifa Club

  1. Spineless losers. Just more proof that none of them had the backbone it takes to make a good leader as president. They all need to shut up and go away.

    Unlike them, President Trump had the gumption to state the absolute facts to an antagonistic press that tried to hide them and he took the press corp to the wood shed, just like they deserved.

  2. “What is your opinion of Antifa?” should be a question for EVERY Republican candidate for ANY office in the land. Failure to denounce Obama’s Civilian National Security Force will be an automatic disqualifier for holding public office.

  3. McCain can later claim those stitches are where his brain was removed.
    What excuse could those other two jackasses employ?

    Waiting to Yeb! to float up like a manatee and spew some surrender nonsense.

  4. Why isn’t McCain dead yet? I thought malignent brain cancer was a fast worker yet here he is, still standing and still talking treason.

    For that matter, why hasn’t the Senate moved to remove him from that body. The brain cancer was used as an excuse for the rambling he did during a committee hearing which shows that at times his perception and judgement are altered and he doesn’t realize it. Because he’s on very, very sensitive committee’s it’s very possible that at some random point his mind decides it’s in the countries best interest to reveal sensitive information to the press and he wouldn’t realize he was doing bad. I’m stunned that the see he’s still there.

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