He Said They Said – IOTW Report

He Said They Said

12 Comments on He Said They Said

  1. Somebody is gonna end up bagging some antifa phocks, just watch. The more the cops let the violence happen, the more bravery antifa will get, and that’s when they’ll get dead.

  2. I wonder how much antifa is paid to show up and (try to) bash in a few heads… when they start getting backlash and people begin to stand up for themselves, I wonder if the antifa communists will still find it worth it?

  3. I wonder if antifa realizes they will eventually be used as murder bait, as cops are increasingly called out of areas the thugs Are getting ready to attack. Then the Left’s long-awaited crackdown on “the violent right” can begin in earnest.

  4. People reacting in self defense are deemed nazi’s. Beaten and then socially ostracized. The left know what they’re doing. To be effective against them you have to turn it back on them. Not so easy.

  5. The Antifa’s on video in the C’ville shoving matches and stick fighting appear all White. Ditto the young Antifa’s spitting and kicking the toppled veteran’s statue in Durham.

    Young white millenials indoctrinated with self-loathing and imaginary White Guilt, trying to expiate same. Howard Zinn’s Marxist rewriting of American history.

    Somewhere, long dead 1960s KGB masterminds are laughing. A generation too late, the USSR’s divide and conquer strategy is finally succeeding beyond their wildest dreams.

  6. Where is AG Sessions and the DoJ declaring ANTIFA a violent domestic terrorist organization, and prosecuting it from the leaders down to the corporate donors?

    That would change the story fast.

    If only President Trump had an actual Attorney General.

  7. wondering how long it will be until Project Veritas goes undercover in ANTIFA and films them as paid thugs by the DNC to agitate? That will be his most coveted scalp since ACORN.

  8. I wonder… When Good americans attack deplorable Americans, and deplorable Americans repel their attackers, to then be beaten down, gassed, and shot for their wallets… er, I mean abducted… um, arrested, by Law abiding Americans, how long, in actual minutes, will the rest of the deplorable Americans present continue to applaud and throw money?

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