McConnell, Schumer strike deal on impeachment trial rules – IOTW Report

McConnell, Schumer strike deal on impeachment trial rules

Just The News: Senate leaders said on Monday that a deal has been agreed upon regarding the framework for former President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial slated to begin on Tuesday.

“For the information of the Senate, the Republican leader and I, in consultation with both the House managers and former President Trump’s lawyers, have agreed to a bipartisan resolution to govern the structure and timing of the impending trial,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Monday on the Senate floor “All parties have agreed to a structure that will ensure a fair and honest Senate impeachment trial of the former president,” the New York Democrat said.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell remarked that the agreement “preserves due process and the rights of both sides.” more

29 Comments on McConnell, Schumer strike deal on impeachment trial rules

  1. Suuuuure. Riiiiiiight. As if.
    “preserves due process and the rights of both sides.”
    Due process? Rights? Both sides? And who is this other side of which you speak, whose rights need to be pickled……er……preserved?
    A sham. A total sham.
    I hope that PDJT DOES NOT show up for this shampeachment, it’s nothing but a procedural trap (Gen Flynn).
    I’m surprised that whoever did the cover picture didn’t put snakes tongues on both Post Turtle Mitch and UpChuck Schumer.

  2. I’m sure that the deal will ensure Trump’s impeachment. I’m assuming that either Mitch is going to retire at the end of his term or he hopes that people forget his behavior.

  3. “…former President Trump’s…”

    “former”…I have nothing but contempt for Justice Roberts, but at least he has sense enough to stay away from this godforsaken shitshow.

  4. The agreement is that there will be no evidence presented or witnesses questioned. The call for a vote will be the first order of business. This all about saving the criminals doing the prosecuting from being exposed by Trump’s defense plan.

  5. So they have decided on the rules on how insure their Trump Impeachment will be accomplished. All while allowing each DC Deep State party to pander to it voters while presenting the facade of doing it according to the US Constitution.

    I can only imagine the items not allowed by these “Agreed on” rules if brought up by Trumps legal team.

  6. I wonder how they decided on having a impeachment trial without the Chief Justice preside over it as is required by the Constitution?

    The rule of law has taken another step downward in favor of the rule of mans whims.

  7. “Beelzebub” and the “Lord of Dung” agree.

    Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Monday on the Senate floor “All parties have agreed to a structure that will ensure a fair and honest Senate impeachment trial of the former president,” the New York Democrat said.


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