Mexican Navy Intercepts Tons of Chinese Fentanyl – IOTW Report

Mexican Navy Intercepts Tons of Chinese Fentanyl


The Mexican government announced the major fentanyl seizure of initially reported by local media outlets to be approximately 25.75 tons (23,368 kilograms or 51,517 pounds) of powdered fentanyl that originated in Shanghai China and was headed to Culiacán, Sinaloa, the home base for the Sinaloa Cartel. According to a government spokesperson, the seizure was a result of a joint operation led by the Mexican naval elements of the 10th naval zone and Lázaro Cárdenas customs enforcement personnel as reported by local media. Michoacán is located in western Mexico and has a stretch of coastline along the Pacific Ocean.

According to government authorities, investigators found the cargo inside a container of a Danish flagged vessel with a cargo manifest indicating that the contents consisted of Calcium Chloride. Authorities took a random sampling of the powdered substance to a specialized laboratory of Mexican Customs and the substance later tested positive for fentanyl. Officials seized a total of 931 sacks of the substance for a total weight of 23,368 kilograms. Government officials indicated that the weight of the suspected fentanyl is still being determined since the investigation is ongoing and later reports indicated that an official weight would be reported at a later date. More

20 Comments on Mexican Navy Intercepts Tons of Chinese Fentanyl

  1. Like I said, this is war that China has declared on us. So far, they’ve killed about a quarter of a million in the last 5-7 years. So Vietnam five times over without even firing a shot.

    It’s time to view it that way and start selling drugs and weapons to their gangs.

  2. One would only wonder what the actual weight is or be reported as. Suspect it has to be mostly the Calcium Chloride as on the manifest because if it was all Fentanyl there would be enough there to kill almost the entire population of the US.

  3. Think of the shipping container size. If it was a 26 footer, it was probably cubed full of the stuff. If it was the 48 footer it was about half-full of the stuff, based on the initial weight reported. Remember this was a dry powder which on average weighs about 1/3 of most liquids.

  4. Would the open borders idiots feel inclined to shut the crossing down if they brought in anthrax and sprinkled it generously over the border? Those illegals are walking diseases as it is.

  5. Shouldn’t China be shipping those drugs into the UK, instead of Mexico, as payback for the opium the UK shipped into China a century ago?

    If I correctly recall the Chinese attempted duplicating the Boston Tea Party when they dumped a ship load of British opium into the sea thereby initiating one of the two Opium Wars. Forcing them to pay for the destroyed opium.

  6. False Flag. This shipment was earmarked from the start for interdiction. Make it seem like Mexico’s doing something when it really isn’t. The cost of doing business.


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