Michael Moore Offers His Michigan Home to Syrian Refugees – IOTW Report

Michael Moore Offers His Michigan Home to Syrian Refugees

BigHollywood: Michael Moore is no fan of Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder’s recent ban on allowing Syrian refugees into his state.  In a show of defiance, the Oscar-winning filmmaker has offered up his own Traverse City residence to Syrians looking for shelter in the United States.


In an open letter posted to Facebook, Moore called Gov. Snyder’s ban “disgraceful” and “unconstitutional” and pledged to defy it.

“Dear Gov. Snyder,” Moore writes, “I just wanted to let you know that, contrary to your declaration of denying Syrian refugees a home in our state of Michigan, I myself am going to defy your ban and will offer MY home in Traverse City, Michigan, to those very Syrian refugees you’ve decided to keep out. I will contact the State Department to let them know I am happy to provide a safe haven to any Syrian refugee couple approved by the Obama administration’s vetting procedures in which I have full faith and trust.” read more


26 Comments on Michael Moore Offers His Michigan Home to Syrian Refugees

  1. Mikey trying to resurrect himself from the forgotten jerk that he is.
    Why doesn’t he offer to live with them so he an gain the full experience of their being ?

    Keep trying, Mikey
    maybe some day someone will remember you.

  2. Don’t worry Mickey isn’t going to be anywhere near the shithole. He just want’s to embarrass the Gov. Scumbag. There oughta be a way to fuck guys like moore good, legally.

  3. Yet another one of fatboy’s empty bullsh*t promises. He knows that he’ll never be taken up on his “offer” so he feels free to up the drama. Bet his neighbors are real happy about his stand. The Governor ought to take him up on his offer but only his offer. Then this hunk of lard would never come back.

  4. i hope they destroy his property….and when Jabba the Hut tries to collect on insurance is told by his carrier…”NUUUUUUUUUU you invited the destruction in…..this is on you, Jabba….” He will think Barky will bail him out, but Barky will bail period.

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