Michigan Barber Who First Beat Gov Whitmer in Court Wants All His Charges Dropped – IOTW Report

Michigan Barber Who First Beat Gov Whitmer in Court Wants All His Charges Dropped

Red State:

History has often been changed by one person standing up against the crowd and just saying ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. We have been blessed to have someone like that during the COVID Executive Order nonsense here in Michigan to stand up and speak his mind and that person is barber Karl Manke. As you may expect, Karl has an opinion on the Supreme Court telling Gov. Whitmer to pound sand with her Executive Overreach.

Just as a refresher, I wrote here yesterday about Whitmer’s response to the court ruling that her Executive Orders since April 30th were illegal… Gov Whitmer Lashes out at Court Overturning Her COVID Executive Orders. Whitmer is not happy about her being told NO and she is threatening to still try to get her way.

Manke wants everything dropped ASAP. MORE HERE

12 Comments on Michigan Barber Who First Beat Gov Whitmer in Court Wants All His Charges Dropped

  1. Politicians tell us NO all day long but as usual, they can dish it out but they can’t take it.

    I hope the backlash from the people gains more momentum across the country.

  2. @ Supernightshade:

    …ask General Flynn if it’s even POSSIBLE to get charges dropped, if its something politically precious to even one Democrat judge…

    It’s even worse, even more INFURIATING, than that: General Flynn’s charges WERE dropped, and the Dem judge hire a Dem retired judge pal to continue to prosecute the now nonexistent charges.


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