Migrants Died By The Truckload Under Obama, Biden Uninterested At the Time – IOTW Report

Migrants Died By The Truckload Under Obama, Biden Uninterested At the Time


During the Obama-Biden administration, 535 migrants died in one Texas county alone — Brooks County. The county is located about 80 miles north of the Texas-Mexico border and is home to the Falfurrias Border Patrol Checkpoint on U.S. Highway 281. Following are 20 times Breitbart News reported on migrant deaths and other cruel human smuggling articles that did not elicit a critical response from then-Vice President Biden  More

3 Comments on Migrants Died By The Truckload Under Obama, Biden Uninterested At the Time

  1. The only interest the Left really has in the illegals is as a divisive political issue.

    At least among their leadership, which is the only place it makes any difference in the long run.


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