Mike Lee Debates His “Transgender” Opponent – IOTW Report

Mike Lee Debates His “Transgender” Opponent

Mike Lee debated Misty Snow at BYU.

During the debate senator Lee refers to the man as “Miss.”

Would you? Would you legitimize the notion that a man can simply declare themselves a woman?

Snow has not has surgery and has man bits.

Debate highlights HERE

ht/ Kpark


31 Comments on Mike Lee Debates His “Transgender” Opponent

  1. If I had something to accomplish other than make a spectacle of the deviant by using the wrong pronouns to prompt a meltdown, I would eschew pronouns altogether and always refer to the deviant by full name. That way, my point about transgender craziness would be made in a way that would allow other points to be made as well.

    “Misty Snow” – GMAFB!

  2. Self righteous Lee has no problem bad mouthing Trump every opportunity he gets, because Trump is a crass mouthed immoral liberal.
    Yet he defers to Mizz Snow with the respect it demands.
    Lee’s lack of moral courage is glaring. He chest thumps when denouncing Trump and wilts like a limp disc in Misty’s presence.
    Well done Mike, well done.

  3. Factually, if this person has received no surgery for gender switching, all this man is can be named a “drag queen”, or dragon for short. When the tutus and pearls start running for office, you can bet Obarko will be in there campaigning for a few slap and tickles from them. and at the same time the Moochie gorilla will be plotting their demise for stealing her “man” (choke choke cough cough).

  4. “Would you?”

    Of course. IN SPADES.

    Missy would be my preferred pejorative.

    “Little Miss Missy” leading my sentences, at times.

    Taking it to it’s limits and beyond. Nothing like giving them what they want and hard.

  5. What difference does it make whether he had surgery or not?
    surgery can’t change a man into a woman. It can change a man into a eunuch, but it can’t change him into a woman.

  6. Mike Lee is the phony of phonies. He showed up at the the uprising at the WWII memorial when Obama shut down the government and erected barricades, Lee sporting his senate pin was not in his suit and tie. But he quickly exited when he realized it was a citizen revolt. Barrycades were being tossed and park police were in full retreat.
    So I saw lee and thanked him for coming but unlike Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin, Lee was in a full trot retreat. He looked terrified.

    Mike Lee has repeatedly shown nothing but cowardice.

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