Mike Tyson Kicks A Passenger’s Ass on Plane – IOTW Report

Mike Tyson Kicks A Passenger’s Ass on Plane

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53 Comments on Mike Tyson Kicks A Passenger’s Ass on Plane

  1. Google

    “Mike Tyson DESTROYS Reporter” on Y-tube.

    Toronto Reported ambushed Mike but mike verbally ripped him a new asshole. Wonderful!

  2. I’d put intentionally antagonizing Mike Tyson right up there with trying to sodomize a grizzly bear.

    On the plus side, that nimrod just made a cool 50K in a settlement.

  3. “They should never have been allowed to serve alcohol on commercial airliners.”

    Make that in airports. These clowns get tuned up before the flights and they can be a real pain in the ass. Ask me how I know.

  4. The Kid: How not to be on an airplane with a celebrity.

    Tyson: Either too much testosterone or not enough. He certainly wasn’t displaying any ’empathy.’ On the other hand, The Kid still had his ears.

  5. OK…I gotta tell a story…and this is a no-shitter.

    In the 80’s I was Flying to DC through Atlanta and was idly staring up the aisle when my eyes locked onto a boarding passenger eyes that proceeded to stare me down. I thought well I ought to go slap that N-Word around and teach him some manners.

    After we got up to altitude I noticed people queueing up and getting his autograph. I asked the stu whats going on and she replied “Thats Sugar Ray Leonard”. Boy, he dodged a bullet that day.

  6. I always liked Mike Tyson. Yeah, he did some bad things, who doesn’t? I think he is basically a good citizen who has had to take a lot of crap in his life from the media. I feel the same about Barry Bonds. The media needed to get off their backs pronto, I always thought.

    I have been on his side ever since I saw on TV a press conference where some reporter yelled at him “You’re Crazy”. I wondered if that reporter had enough guts to say that to Tyson with nobody else around to observe what would have happened. I think that was an early indication to me of how effed up journalists are. If a chicken and weasel could be bred and produce offspring the result would be jounalists.

  7. I have met quite a few Celebs/Athletes/extreme Rich at functions etc.

    A simple Hello, a Nod, and Smile go MUCH farther than making an ass of yourself. Then LEAVE THEM ALONE.

    Sometimes latter in the evening they come around and you end up having a nice (NON CRAFT RELATED) conversation. Usually after everyone else has completely exhausted them.

    Cheers Fuckers!

  8. Kid too young to have seen Mike do anything besides act in comedies.

    Watch ONE fight and then go try to punk him. Hell, go watch his first cable fight. I missed it as I went to go open the door to let some party guests in who came over to watch the pay per view. It was over before 30 seconds had elapsed.

  9. I have the entire HBO title unification bouts recorded. All 15 minutes.
    Tyson’s camp is reporting the kid bounced a water bottle off the back of Mikes head. Not cool. Good thing they were in tight quarters, Mikes still the king of swat.

  10. Decades ago a couple of my friends and I went to stare through the gates of his Ohio palace. Just looking and trying to see the tigers. MT was in residence and came out to speak to us. He asked if we had taken pictures and the answer was ‘no, we did not want to without permission’ and he was happy with that. He treated us very well and didn’t call the Sheriff. Fast forward to the same group of us taking an urbex tour of his abandoned home. People did not mess it up which was astounding. His place is a now a mega-church if you can imagine.

  11. Here’s the eternal question…How would Tyson have done against the following fighters, all of whom would be in their prime?
    Jack Johnson…
    Joe louis…
    Rocky Maciano…
    Sonny Liston…
    Cassius Clay…
    Joe Frazier…
    Ron Lyle…
    George Foreman…
    Larry Holmes…
    I say he loses to all of them except maybe Rocky…..He ain’t a top ten best heavy weight of all time, but he was a savage…

  12. Willy
    I’m glad to see you’re a fight fan. I love that sport. I think when it comes to Tyson it’s like you’re almost talking about two different fighters. Pre Cus D’Amato and post. During the HBO Title Unification bouts with his dad Cus coaching him and Kevin Rooney in his corner, it’s my opinion he might have been the best ever. After Cus died and he split from Rooney the black mafia swooped in and raped his ass, with no help. Post Cus I think you’re right. Pre Cus, best ever. I’m actually surprised he’s not really angry at some of the brothers that raped his ass, financially and career wise. I can’t help but like the guy.

  13. I agree Brad. I like him but he was undersized for a heavyweight just like Rocky Marciano….Tell me who else on the list he might have beat on in their prime?….Maybe Ronny Lyle?….Don’t know. Interesting conversation….

  14. Nobody came out of his corner with ferocity that Tyson did! When he was young, before Cus passed and Kevin Rooney was out of the picture I would have my money on Tyson over everyone accept Clay. And Clay only because he would outsmart everyone else.

  15. Willy
    You know the guy that I think would have given him the most problems, Cassius Clay. The old fighter vs boxer thing. But Clay could move. And Tyson throws heavy. Every time. In the later rounds he’s in trouble.

  16. Back in the day I use to hate Clay. Big mouthed MoFo. The risk you run being political on everything. Now I’m an old dog it’s hard not to appreciate his athleticism. The man was truly talented.

  17. Just like Clay/Ali rope a doped Foreman. That was such an awesome fight. The Rumble in the Jungle. The Thrilla in Manila is another example of Clay/Ali outsmarting a big, heavy puncher. Each fighter in their prime, I’m taking Clay/Ali.

  18. True story.
    I’ve met Ali, Tyson, Foreman, and Holyfield over the years at various times.

    I was bused to Central High School (Louisville) in 10th grade, same school Ali went to, likely unchanged whatsoever.
    Met Tyson in Maui.
    The other two at the Kentucky Derby, Evander was post eargate…

  19. Tyson is 5′ 10″ and maybe fought at 220#. Marciano about the same size. Ronny Lyle was 6’3″ and 240#. They both had similar savagery. Earnie Shavers and Tyson would have been an epic 2 round fight LOL…..The rest on the list were huge compared to Tyson……Rumor has it that Sonny Liston once killed a guy in barwith his fists and he would have beaten Clay except for his gambling problems/losses which the mafia collected with his loss to Clay….The punch that never landed….Read about it or watch the videos. Liston threw the fight.They threatened to kill his family….and Sonny had a white wife which was a problem in the early 60’s
    I met Ronny Lyle when he coached the Denver Rocks boxing club. I also shook hands with Joe Louis after a little league football game….His hand was like an 8″ x 6″x 3″ block of oak….

  20. Marciano was the same height. His weight was is listed as”Heavy Weight”. If you dig deeper he was listed at 188. Regardless of his weight, like Tyson, it was the thunderous blows he could throw. They’ve done several computer simulations of that fight. I’m not sure that would be that accurate. It’s split about 50/50 between the two. I just tried and failed to find a slow mo side by side of Tyson and Marciano throwing a big right hook. The punch starts at their right hand little toe. Incredible to watch. I do love the sweet science.

  21. Forgot to mention, I grew up in Hawthorne Cali. The gym Jerry Quarry trained in was at the end of our block. Pops was a big fight fan and on an occasionally Saturday morning he’d take me and my younger brother down to watch some sparring sessions. Have no idea how talented the guy was, I was like 8 years old. But the smell of the gym and the sounds got me hooked early. Yo Adrian.

  22. Brad: I like MMA and I have a friend who boxed as a youth before he went to prison who loves the shit…..I think Dana White/ ESPN are screwing the pooch by not making access easier for people to watch…..Let’s face it, boxing is dead outside of Russia, Mexico, Philippines and a few other countries………..It’s kind of how baseball killed the youth from playing because they wouldn’t televise it enough for free…..

    The other problem with MMA is that they have short careers and don’t get paid well for year round training and then fighting…..I think Dana White should hire me as a marketing director, but I have to bring my buddy Rudy in as the better shit talker……MMA has a growing pain thingy and they should capitalize on the death of boxing…

  23. “MMA has a growing pain thingy and they should capitalize on the death of boxing…”

    I just recently warmed up to MMA. Mainly because that sport kinda wrecked boxing. And in comparison they are not that skilled. I do enjoy how conservative all of them seem to be.

  24. Yeah Joe6pak, I think that Frazier/ Forman fight happened after Clay/ Frazier thriller in manilla……Clay said ” we walked in as champions and left as ghosts” or something like that….

  25. I disagree Brad, boxing killed boxing. The “Don Kingist’s” had their hand in the pot deeper then they should have. Ask Mike Tyson or the older Larry Holmes who watched Don King walk over his prone body to try and sign the upstart Mike Tyson…..That’s who killed boxing……Dana White and Espn are riding on the precipice of fucking that up as well……
    I can write a one page letter to them on how to market the sport and I’ll do it for a minimal $500K. Then it’s up to them to follow it. What they don’t understand is (like CNN+) people won’t waste $5.99 a month (hamburger money) on a crappy product…..

  26. MMA iz gay.

    Every fight is the same. One dude gets on top of another dude and starts pummeling. Kickboxing is also hella gay. Men box. Tyson fought. Never really seen him box. Sugar Ray and Manny Paquino were two sides of the same boxing coin. Brilliant. Perfection.

    I can relate to boxing. You try that MMA stuff in real life and you’ll get shot.

  27. I’m tellin’ ya’ Gruffy, boxing is waaay harder than MMA.

    I appreciate the technical precision under extreme physical duress.
    The whole wresting, leg locking stuff turns me off. But I did like Tyson. Dude was a tank. No finesse. Just top notch hooks. Flat footed to boot. Would just walk across the ring until he got close enough to kapow whoever was unfortunate enough to get in the ring with him.

    The MMA guys? Wanna’ be thugs. All tats, no class.

    And it boils down to this classic street saying.” If you want to know if your homies are for real, check their shoes.”

    MMA guys are barefooted. Nuff said.

  28. Burr lost his dueling pistols so he wants to box now?…..I posted a video and so did that 17%er Joe6pak showing you young un’s what happened in the boxing world 5 years before your Mom was gonna put you up for adoption….maybe 10 years….Hard to say. You like Primus and I never heard of them until I was 42….

  29. Primus?

    Weirdest damn way to spell Motörhead I’ve ever seen. Also, I go to smokers every couple of months. Amateurs dukeing it out from different clubs. Solid. But short rounds.

    Then they have an exhibition match between some pros.

    I wouldn’t mess with any of them. Completely different level of expertise. Lava like rage is nifty but watching ice cold precision put a dude to sleep is…..kinda’ scary.

  30. Kid looked like an E3 military (or wannabe) with his high and tight , maybe with a little liquid courage in him . He could have come out much worse . Kid was provoking Tyson , stupid .

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