Millions of Chickens Killed in 5-Alarm Fire at Farina Farms Inc. in Illinois, One of Nation’s Largest Free-Range Egg Facilities – IOTW Report

Millions of Chickens Killed in 5-Alarm Fire at Farina Farms Inc. in Illinois, One of Nation’s Largest Free-Range Egg Facilities

GP: A massive fire broke out at Farina Farms Inc. in Marion County, Illinois, on Wednesday night, resulting in the deaths of millions of chickens.

The farm is one of the largest free-range egg facilities in the country.

The fire, which began around 6:30 p.m. along Highway 37, quickly escalated into a 5-alarm fire, requiring the intervention of at least 20 different fire departments from surrounding areas, according to WAND TV.

Described as “humongous” by Marion County Sheriff Kevin Cripps, the fire engulfed multiple buildings spanning 200-300 yards in length. more

18 Comments on Millions of Chickens Killed in 5-Alarm Fire at Farina Farms Inc. in Illinois, One of Nation’s Largest Free-Range Egg Facilities

  1. Soooo… Was it a cigarette butt, or……something else??? You decide.

    Here’s some current stats from the recent Wayne Root Report. LINK:

    The short, condensed version is here:

    2-Million Terrorist are now in US
    1.3-Million = Combined US Armed Forces
    800,000 Total US Police Force
    2,000 Terrorists were able to murder 1,200 Israelis
    Enough for a scenario of 50 groups into 50 cities to kill
    50 groups of 100 can kill up to 100/group within minutes at crowded areas

    Biden lefty behind $85-Billion in equipment in Afghanistan
    Names & Addresses/sensitive info of Upper-Rank military left behind
    Two terrorists caught taking photos of a Major’s kids at his US Home until he shot & killed one
    Also left behind sensitive equipment that prints and produces legal US Passports

    Any Home Protection Advice from anyone in case they show up in our neighborhoods with guns and rifles?

  2. ^^^^ If you need to ask for advice now you’re already fucked. A bunch of s have been jumping up and down telling people make like minded friends, learn how to get hits under stress. Good luck to you.

  3. These sorts of accidents happen. Like when the neighbor kid accidentally shot the window of his mom’s detached garage 17 times with a Daisy BB gun.

  4. This was no cigarette butt by the highway. Illinois is completely green and there are no dead grasses along the highway. Even the zoysia grass in northern Illinois is green. So however this started it falls right in line with the NWO to destroy the US and put us under the one world leader. Gates is going to vaccinate the cattle with mRNA and destroy the bovine class of animals. Iowa Governor just signed an order to kill 4+ million chickens because of ‘bird flu’. Shortly what we will have left is eating insects to survive. If you want to see the number of food resources that have been destroyed go to:

  5. And fully cooked range free, what more could you ask for? Damn, eggs were just gettin cheaper too. A thorough gummerment investigation by all 3 letter agencies is needed. I smell fowl play at hand.

  6. Mystery: “The cause of the fire has not yet been determined, according to the Marion County Sheriff’s Department.”

    Spoiler: A big-o’ pile-o’ chick’n shit with someone hiding behind it to take a smoke break.

  7. Fill one of those aerial tankers that drops water on forest fires and fill it with BBQ sauce. Douse the fire with it and sell the stuff along the highway.

  8. There seems to have been several fires at food processing facilities over the last few years. I think there was one about a year ago at a Tyson’s plant. There have been others.

    I never heard of any result of investigations of these fires. I’m beginning to think that mayors and governors just tell FD’s to go back their firehouses and forget about trying to find the cause.

    It’s all weird and creepy. Shit is happening.

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