Mom comes out swinging- ’Trump Didn’t Snub My Son, Congress Did’ – IOTW Report

Mom comes out swinging- ’Trump Didn’t Snub My Son, Congress Did’

Daily Caller— The mother of the boy at the center of a flap with J.K. Rowling says it’s not President Donald Trump who did the snubbing, but Congress.

“You want to know who snubbed my son? Congress snubbed my kid in D.C. when they failed to pass meaningful legislation. Everyone missed the point of why we were there [the White House] in the first place. They [Congress] didn’t come up with a dynamic plan and they didn’t go out and sell it to the American people. If they have a plan, what is it and where is it?”

Rowling recently accused Trump of ignoring the boy during a “Victims of Obamacare” event Monday. Observers were quick to debunk the claim. Days later, Rowling apologized not to Trump, but the boy’s family.


“I appreciate people trying to stand up for me and my family but even slinging mud at people like [Rowling] doesn’t move the conversation. I like action, I like movement and I like solving problems,” Marjorie Weer tells The Daily Caller in an exclusive interview.

Weer says she was overwhelmed by the amount of media coverage after Rowling tweeted a misleading video that appeared to show Trump snubbing Weer’s son as he tried to get the president’s attention. (The video also proved Rowling wrong.) Rowling later deleted the tweets and apologized following an extended public backlash. But, she asks, why aren’t those same media outlets interested in covering the negative impact Obamacare is having on her son’s life?

“Where was CNN when we were complaining about healthcare?” Weer questions. “That’s why I went with Fox News, they talked to us beforehand. They [other media outlets] want to use my family. They saw a potential catfight between me and J.K. Rowling and I’m not giving them that.” 


5 Comments on Mom comes out swinging- ’Trump Didn’t Snub My Son, Congress Did’

  1. The Republicans just need one more thing to pass Obamacare repeal and that is control of all the dog catcher positions in America! Voters give them that in 2018 and they will be happy to arrange another vote for repeal sometime in 2019!

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