More Military Personnel in Trump’s Cabinet – IOTW Report

More Military Personnel in Trump’s Cabinet

What a friggin’ Liberal/Progressive Trump is, right???

(No, I will not back off on NeverTrump. They are fools that with each passing day look sillier and sillier. My hope is that these sites get their comeuppance and go the way of the buggy whip- having outlived their usefulness. And that goes for a lot of these “pundits” as well.)

Trump wants John Kelly for Homeland Security

Donald Trump plans to name a third retired general to a top national security spot, according to a new report.

Retired Gen. John Kelly is the president-elect’s pick to be the next secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, CBS said Wednesday.

Retired Gen. Jim Mattis was officially named Tuesday night to be the next secretary of defense. And retired Gen. Michael Flynn will serve as the president’s national security adviser.

Kelly, a Marine, served most recently as head of US Southern Command. He left the military earlier this year.

If confirmed by the Senate, Kelly will succeed President Obama’s appointee, Jeh Johnson.

The Department of Homeland Security is an umbrella organization in charge of Customs & Border Protection, Citizenship & Immigration Services, the Coast Guard, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Immigration & Customs Enforcement, the Secret Service and the Transportation Security Administration.

27 Comments on More Military Personnel in Trump’s Cabinet

  1. Trump is going to expose a LOT of DC establishment parasites for the multi-trillion dollar scammers that they have been.

    They have been howling like stuck pigs. Now they are going to lash out like a cornered animal. Hold on to your (big fur) hat, it’s going to be a wild ride.

  2. The never Trumpers are getting worse, it is like a full blown mental disorder. He is a racist for wanting to deport illegals because ….lawnmowers or something and soft on illegals because….well just because. Right scoop is a fucking disaster area, I keep checking because of Fur’s support of scoop but the comments and articles contradict themselves constantly. The only common point is that anything Trump does is wrong, even if it is something that their demigod Cruz had in his platform.
    For the record: I don’t think Trump is right on everything and I know I will be super pissed at some of the things he does in the next 4 years but fuck me, the alternative was Hillary!

  3. After all the shitty lawyers, shittier blacks (Loretta Lynch), and poofters Barry stocked into these slots, the Military appointees of PEOTUS Trump will be like sunshine on the beach with the trade winds blowing.

  4. Trump was never Hitler; Mussolini, maybe, but Hitler, never. He’ll get the trains to run on time.

    How many NeverTrumpsters changed their minds at the last minute and reluctantly voted for Trump? A reluctant vote for Trump is still a vote for Trump. If you don’t let up on the poor fools, there won’t BE a Republican Party in 8 years, and all the great things Trump will do will be undone by President Chelsea Clinton. Already there are Constitutionalist and Federalist parties peeling off Republicans right and further right.

  5. And if you’ve read the accompanying article, you note it’s awash with back handed compliments and under handed & veiled insults. Of course seeing the “Divided” States on the cover next to trump’s image should have been a huge cluebat.

  6. Remember when Michelle Malkin was NeverTrump? Neither does she, but fxck her. And the rest. Sooner Mex and the Scoop get their digs in every chance they get. They miss quote every chance they get. Probably because they hate the fact they’re that fing stupid.

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